Many of us have been trying to ‘get by’ during this pandemic, waiting for an end to the unreasonable work-life demands that have been placed upon us. But the truth is, there isn’t a clear end in sight. So now is the right time to make the changes that will help you not only survive… but thrive.
These five small steps take minimal effort and will make you feel stronger, healthier, and more in control.
- Put an end to Zoom fatigue. Yes, we can successfully meet via video, but that doesn’t mean we have to. Video meetings can be as big of a time suck as in-person meetings. So it’s time to cut back. Pick up the phone, utilize Slack and email. You can even make meetings shorter (15 min, 25 min). These small steps can reap big rewards in productivity.
- Delegate at home and work. This one is an oldie and just as relevant. Take the time to remind yourself what things you are good at? What is your significant other good at? What is your team good at? Is everyone working according to their strengths? How can you successfully lighten your load at work and home with the team you have in both places?
- Make a big difference with small breaks. Take lots of micro-breaks and get away from the computer. I like to take micro cleaning breaks where I take 10-15 min to clean off a table, do a few dishes, fold some clothes, or play with my cat. When you do, make sure you set a time limit, so you do not lose track of time. These small breaks can reset you for the rest of your day.
- Take time for you. Self-care has never been more critical, and it can be the best thing you do for yourself in a day, week, or month. From journaling to meditation; and exercise to reading a book, even buying yourself flowers. Please make a list of what is meaningful to you and fit it into your calendar to give you a much needed mental and emotional reset.
- Grab hold of what you value. Lastly, this is a great time to explore your values. Everyone subconsciously lives by a set of values, and when you are angry or frustrated, chances are one of your values are being broken. Knowing them can help you make essential decisions, from accepting a job offer to avoiding an argument. Do you know what your top 5 values are? Are you living by them? What would it look like if you did?
For best results, pick the one that resonates with you the most and try it on for a few days.
As you do it, notice how you feel. What part of this is working for you? What needs to be adjusted?
Then when you feel like you’ve mastered it, move onto the next.
Change doesn’t have to be hard, nor does it have to be big to make an impact. All it takes is a desire to change and some much-needed focus.