Recalibrating the needle for this journey called life, and giving myself permission to pause and reflect was something that had escaped me as drove along my life path in cruise control. Creating space to look in, to pay attention to cues, to allow the options of new paths to emerge was an important omission that I was grateful to have illuminate on my dashboard as a caution. It prompted me to pull over, and explore the warning cues to assess what risks were being flagged. This cue was a game changer - the thoughtful reflection it prompted was just the fuel I needed for the next length of my life journey. That prompt was my executive coach, who with a simple phrase: "give yourself permission to......" unlocked me from holding myself back from a vital pause, and allowed time for self-reflection about my 40+ year journey to date. My self-assessment of needs, passion and talents highlighted an opportunity to shift gears. I had selected healthcare as an industry out of an early passion for acts of service. Serving others and helping to catalyze a positive impact was always my driver. At an early age I identified that the healthcare administration path versus a clinical path was my calling. It facilitated an ability to be of service to many and to optimize the impact of my contributions. My love for seniors led me to the first chapter of my professional journey, and resulted in a decade of administration of nursing homes. The creative programs I led resulted in my progressive leadership roles. The journey led me to a decade of planning and funding in an executive role within a regional health authority. This included developing and implementing multi-million dollar healthcare strategies and programs for individuals in my region. During my 'pause' at the side of the road, I realized that I had not only reached but surpassed my goal of helping people and creating a positive impact. Despite my leadership success, my reflections reinforced that what was missing was my interaction with the people I was helping. My role had taken me to a twenty thousand foot view of the system that I was serving, and I could no longer see the faces of those I was helping. My catalytic discussion with my coach, 'gave me permission' to recalibrate the needle and to pursue a new path in alignment with my goal of helping. I opted to remove my healthcare administrator hat, and to replace it with coach and strategic advisor. I was compelled to pay it forward and to do for others what my coach had done with me and for me.....give them support in their efforts to recalibrate their needle and to adjust their compass coordinates in support of their goals, leveraging their skills and fueled by their passion. Adjusting my settings has found me in the most rewarding phase of my life journey. My car is packed with all that I need: the skills, education and experience I bring with me and it is fueled by my passion and motivation. Wearing my new hat, I have the privilege of working with leaders and emerging leaders from all industries, with a specialization in my passion for service industries. I have the pleasure of supporting boards and teams building on my 25+ years of working with hundreds of them in my earlier phase. I have the joy of mentoring and teaching students to share the wealth of knowledge I have gathered through my life journey travels. My most rewarding contribution in this phase of the journey is highlighting the benefits of 'recalibrating the needle' and inviting individuals to adjust their compass coordinates, and to give themselves permission to pause and reflect to ensure that the path they are on is the right one. It is never too late to course correct. Take it from one who will never look back - who is grateful for the road travelled, and excited about the road ahead. Life is a journey. Enjoy every day. Make it count......