We all know that saying“ this too shall pass”. Which is basically like saying the hard stuff will not last forever, so just push through and keep going. But, what if sometimes it just hurts. What if it’s too much to deal with. Sometimes, pushing through feels painful. Our minds can handle more than what we feel comfortable handling, but even when we push through uncomfortable feelings, we still have a threshold. We can only push through the hard stuff for so long, before it gets to be too much or it can just make us feel stuck. What if feeling overwhelmed is something we can’t get over. With this year being one of the most stressful and devastating years in history, I can’t help but believe that many of us are still feeling overwhelmed and stuck.
As we move into the last part of the year, many of us are looking back on the year as one that has been a nightmare. Life has not been good for many because of financial worries, health worries, along with added stress of all the changes we are having to make in every single area of our lives. All the disappointments and discouraging things happening around us can be too much. It’s discouraging to have to deal with how massively stressful this year has added up to be. Regular life alone can already be stressful. So let’s all get real about how much this year has been a bummer.
We are losing lives to Covid, losing social time, losing memory making time, losing money, losing traditions we would normally celebrate, we are losing our sanity… along with a long list of many other things. Our lives have changed and it’s been hard. So although this too shall pass, this year has been difficult as hell. Sometimes a total nightmare and on the good days just a minor bummer. I don’t want to complain, but I want to write this article to be honest about the fact that I feel stuck and demotivated sometimes. As someone happy and positive on most days, this year has been hard for me to grasp. I wake up with optimism as usual, but also with some sadness for all I lost this year. Grief for what I lost that I wasn’t ready or prepared to lose. Like many of us, I was not prepared to make so many changes and it feels difficult to manage sometimes. I try to make the best of it, but sometimes it’s just sad.
I think many of us do feel disappointed in the year 2020. We all have changed and given up things this year. Our lives still feel out of sorts in the “new normal”. Most of us would not have chosen for things to end up as they are currently. I personally had a lot of disappointments this year in my work and some in my personal life. My lifestyle has drastically changed and so has my work. Although some of the changes have been really good, it’s still been a lot with all of the disappointments and compounded stress which can be hard to handle.
So how do we handle the never-ending disappointment that comes along with the fact that Covid is still here…2020 will soon be over and not much has changed. Well, it’s not about just hanging in there until all this is over. We need to do more to stay positive, as well as we need to admit that we don’t know when things will feel normal again. Life is out of sorts, and things are still very different. The best way that I can see fit for all of us to start feeling better is to continue to connect and do things that matter to us. Be with the people you love, do the hobbies you can’t live without, keep working on your professional goals, don’t forget to have fun each day, and enjoy each moment that you have. All we truly have is the current moment we are in, so why not make the best of it. Life is hard and painful this year, but life is still going on. So why not live each day like it matters and fill it with joy because when it comes down to it, that’s the most important part of life.
The life we are given isn’t meant to be wasted on feeling sad or angry, but rather to be enjoyed to the fullest, regardless if it’s the worst year ever or not. So please, go live your day with joy, focus on feeling good, and don’t let life get you down. It’s going to pass, but we don’t know when so why not live your life the way you always wanted to in the meantime. Life is now and the days keep going, so enjoy each day as much as you can.
Feel free to reach out to me through email for help in finding more happiness at [email protected]