As the saying goes, success does not happen overnight. You need to anticipate, prepare, be patient, wait and see. These are some of the lessons I am learning from my friends, colleagues and my personal and professional life experiences. 

I witnessed the Seeds of the Future by acting in the Present, and saw extraordinary Results. Over one year’s time, many things can happen, and I learned that Anything is Possible. I learned that People do not forget good memories and that feelings and emotions do not change. 

For this, everyday we need to meditate, reflect upon our actions, be responsible and consider consequences and opportunities. Our everyday life is constellated by choices, opportunities and free will to act towards the achievement of something, but we must learn to imagine ourselves in the future, and be able to diligently work towards that Dream. I also learned that you can have two or three Dreams, tackling life happenings: Who you wish to spend the rest of your life with (Love), Where you would like to see yourself professionally in the future (Work), Where you would like to live ( Geographical location of Home). Perhaps now we still have no clarity over all the answers we want, but it is good to regularly ask yourself these questions.

Funnily enough, I associate Life as the Oblò of a washing machine. The clothes turn into the washing machine, in the same circle, and they keep coming back. Once cleaned, they are used to be used, and then, again, they are put into the machine, to be washed and be cleaned again. With this, I think that What We Love the most always comes back to us, there is no way. Consciously, we make choices in the present, which come back in the future. Fast forward, if we keep saying Yes, we accept and appreciate Life for its wondrous surprises and we Smile at the mysterious ways God, Life and Destiny work around us.

Erika Zolli Photography, Washing machine-Oblò-Legs-Stripes- Black-White-Ironic

In this “washing machine” cycle, we learn to appreciate and love life, for what it is,  accepting the fact that some things are in our control and some others just happen by surprise, by the willing of others and unexpectedly. Free will plays an essential role, but our ability in life is to become peaceful and flexible enough to understand that some things happen for us to learn something.

The teaching part of it can be incomprehensible for us now, but again, after some time we connect the dots (as Steve Jobs used to say) by connecting them looking backwards. From the past, we learn the present and we act upon the future.

However, on all this, I won’t say we cannot do anything about our present life. I am still a huge believer of the power of anticipation, of understanding human beings, of connecting them to a higher purpose and of understanding their needs, to fulfill them. My advice to you is that You should always pursue what moves you, irrespective of family, love and work attachments. I learned that attachments are temporary, that technology helps us in preserving attachments (Thank you Technology) and that new attachments will be created anyways ( Friends, Love, Work). It can be harsh to leave all behind, but new beautiful life connections will be established afterwards, in line with your willingness to move and discover the world, and with your level of maturity and growth at that particular stage & moment in your life.

Finally, some food for thoughts, I believe in preparation. I believe that human beings are connected to nature and that everyday we are sending many messages, and we can interpret the signs in different ways. ( I find particularly mesmerizing the power of Dreams at night and how Life puts us in front with Wondrous People, who can really make an impact on your life). 

To reach success and life satisfaction, we have to believe, to put our Heart and Our Hard Work in what we Love, wait for the right moment, and carpe diem– seize the opportunity. Conscious and Happy that we asked for is now here for us.

I would have loved to believe in Mike Bongiorno’s TV show “Wheel of Fortune”, where you could turn the wheel- by shouting in Italian- Gira la Ruota!– Turn the wheel- and magically all our Dreams could come true. Thankfully enough, Life does give us some time to analyze, to reflect and to make our own decisions. It is not as fast as we imagine. Time is our Friend and we should cherish it. To ponder, to dream, to imagine what we could be in the future. 

Therefore Act, Think, Cherish, Believe, Ask the Universe. And, as Maya Angelou said, Get Prepared for it.

The Mauritian Artist/L’Artiste Mauricien– 9 October 2018 Kenya- 1 year after a Mauritius Work Trip, Great Learnings from a Wise Artist come back, in the shape of Wonder, Patience, Hard Work, Smile and Discover the World and its People. Arts and Culture United the Globe.

Enjoy the Life Ride!
