I always say, mindset before mechanics.
It doesn’t matter how successful you are or how much money you make, if you don’t have your mindset in the right place you won’t step into your true potential. I love speaking to influencers from all industries about how they handle mindset.
I had the pleasure of interviewing the insightful, Amber Lilystrom on Unstoppable Success Radio, rated in the Top 100 of Marketing and Management Podcasts on itunes. Amber is CEO, Transformational Branding Expert, and Founder of the Ignite Your Soul Summit. In this interview we are talking about a pain point most businesses owners go through–self worth.
What is your definition of Transformational Branding?
Amber believes that branding is the sacrete opportunity to be who we really are. She explains that we need to look at our businesses as a portal, in which we use to make a stand and a difference. So we create brands that tell our story. It bridges the past and the future! We want to make a difference for our families, children and legacy. Amber says her sweet spot when it comes to helping women, is helping them connect the dots and recognize why they are here. Why they are doing the work they are doing now.
How do you balance what to share and what not to share online?
Amber shares that depending on the business and what your goals are. It all depends on what you want to accomplish! She reminds us that at the end of the day we created a business to solve a problem. It’s the preserved problem of your customer and we use stories to make that connection. Stories is what makes us human. It’s the fundamental block that makes us human. However, it’s about choosing the stories that are going to make the deepest connection. How Amber helps her clients with this is to help them recognize that their ideal client 99.9% of the time, is a previous version of themselves.
Amber explains that is how we know how to help them because at one point we were them. We know how to get them through that pain point, through that thing they are struggling with faster because we have already gone through it! If we share the stories that can help them move through this process faster and find clarity then it’s a story that is worth sharing.
What do you feel are some of the things that hold entrepreneurs back from focusing on the solution and then positioning themselves as the key.
Amber shares that she believes at the core that it is their own worthiness work. It’s all the stories that they tell themselves. ‘I’m not Sarah Blakley’ or ‘I can’t do that’. People stop taking action because they make themselves believe they can never be as successful. However Amber knows that the only way to go is by taking action, moving, and using your peers who you might feel envious about as fuel. She goes on to say that those big name influencers are proof that it’s possible to get to where you want to go. Amber also shares that the most important thing to remember is you were put on this earth for a very unique reason.
“No one has lived your story. No one has experienced these things in the way that you have. Therefore we need your perspective. I don’t know anyone that hasn’t struggled with some sort of unworthiness moment”- Amber Lilystrom
Amber explains it’s a moment where we feel like we don’t think we can do this. We need to have that conversation with ourselves early on. Acknowledging that we are having these feelings and making the commitment to move forward. You choose to keep going because you know this is what you are here from. This was your call and I’m not going to let anything stand in my way.
You can catch the full episode on Unstoppable Success Radio by heading to www.kellyroachcoaching.com/podcast or searching us on iTunes!