Despite the wealth of favorable literature on the subject, napping remains something of a dirty word among the go-getter class 

We all struggle to optimize the narrow share of wakeful hours we’re allowed in a day but a quick zizz might actually be a productive way to go about doing so. The respondents involved in a new survey were so sure of this, nearly a third would give up Netflix and WiFi for life if it meant they could take naps at work with impunity.

The study, conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by The Mattress Nerd,  concluded that frequent nappers tend to be more productive and even more emotionally stable than those who reserve all of their shut-eye for nightfall.

“Contrary to the opinion that napping makes you a lazy person, our survey results revealed that self-identified nappers share many positive attributes,” the authors of the new report wrote. “In fact, the results indicate that napping may be the key to becoming a more productive person, as nappers were more likely than non-nappers to identify as a productive person by a large percentage (93% vs. 65%).”


A review of the responses submitted by the 2,000 participating Americans suggests the disparity survives on perspective.

Seventy-five percent of the self-described nappers would additionally describe themselves as “career-driven,” compared to the 55% of non-nappers who could confidently say the same. This contrast was applicable to productivity as well—with the largest portion of self-described workhorses belonging to the habitual nappers.

Similarly, nappers reported a healthy work-life balance significantly more often than non-nappers (83% vs. 62%) and the same was found to be true in regards to overall happiness though by a slightly slimmer margin (90% vs. 79%).

The pro-napping demographic uniformly agreed that the habit consequentially contributed to their success even if they were divided with respect to reasoning. The largest share said that napping relieved tension, allowing them to address tasks with a level head while 17%  said that they felt cheerful after waking up from a nap. The remaining portion occasioned a boost in energy levels.

The contrary view demonstrated an identical division.

“Some people say a nap is exactly what they need to feel refreshed and ready to go on with their days. Others argue that a nap makes them more groggy and ready to go back to bed,” the authors continued.  “Our survey showed that overall naps are making more people feel good than groggy. The top reported post-nap feelings were relaxed, happy, and energized!”

The top five post-nap feelings

  1. Relaxed (33%)
  2. Happy (19%)
  3. Energized (17%)
  4. Confused (15%)
  5. Groggy (12%)


Fifty-five percent of all of the participants surveyed would take a sizable pay cut if it meant they could nap on the clock.

Many of the “anti-nappers” belonged to the group circumstantially. Thirty-eight percent of these are receptive to the benefits of naps here and there but lack the ability to get comfortable enough to do so with any sort of regularity. Thirty-two percent fear a midday nap would adversely impact quality sleep later on in the night.

To this end, the authors add: “Keeping your naps to a short 20-30 minutes is ideal. According to an April 2016 study, napping longer than 60 minutes during the day increased the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 50% and increased the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 89%.”

Conversely, a study published toward the end of last year in Switzerland found that napping one to two times per week significantly reduces one’s risk for developing cardiovascular diseases later in life.

Ultimately moderation distinguishes practices from indulgences.

The Top 10 things Americans would do for a nap

  1. Go back in time and relive high school (33%)
  2. Live with your parents for the rest of your life (32%)
  3. Live in a studio apartment with your childhood bully for one year (30%)
  4. Give up Netflix for life (29%)
  5. Give up using Uber for five years (28%)
  6. Never have access to WiFi ever again (27%)
  7. Give up sex for a year (25%)
  8. Live alone in the woods with no electricity for three months (24%)
  9. Give up all electronic devices for one month (24%)
  10. Only travel by foot anywhere you go for one year (22%)

“Napping is no longer a sign of laziness, but it’s another tool we can use to make us more productive in life,” said a spokesperson for Mattress Nerd in a statement. “While it’s really ideal to maintain a consistent schedule of seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night, that’s not always the case. With emerging research on topics such as polyphasic sleep, we can all take a look at the science behind sleep and napping more closely to find habits that work for our lifestyles.”

This article was originally published on Ladders. If you like this article, then you will enjoy How to write a resume for 2020 and How to respectfully quit your job

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