I contacted Arianna Huffington in May, 2019 about Thrive’s mission of ‘unlocking human potential while reducing stress and burnout.’ The reason I contacted her was because my company has a similar mission.
After describing for her some of the outcomes of the people I work with, she replied with this comment:
“Many thanks for your email dear Edward. My schedule is completely packed at the moment with travel and commitments building Thrive but I would love for you to write for Thrive’s media platform about your work to help people to manage stress as it would resonate so well with our readers.”
Here’s what I had sent to Arianna:
What I’m about to share with you may seem too fantastic to be true. However, I have the clients to prove every claim. I have helped hundreds of people to reduce, or remove, stress in minutes. I help them automatically manage stress so that it doesn’t aggregate. I help them possess the ability to see things with no emotion so that their decisions aren’t clouded by emotion. I help them transform negative past experiences to remove the negative feelings and associations and retrieve any learning from those experiences so they can help others benefit. This includes PTSD from military and non-military experiences.
I give people the ability to be happy anytime they desire it. This happiness is so powerful that it overrides any negative situation and emotion, which allows them to open their minds to more options and possibilities.
One of my clients is the CEO of a growing community of women in Financial Services. She was so stressed that her shoulders were always being pulled up to her neck. She had begun to become disoriented because of trying to keep so many “balls in the air”. She had a constant ringing in her ears that completely disabled her for days at a time, but especially when stressed more than usual. She attributed this to Meniere’s Disease. As she readied to officially launch her women’s organization, she almost collapsed. After I worked with her, things changed immediately. So much so that, when she arrived home, her fiancee commented how different she was and how relaxed she had become. And the ringing in her ears? All but gone after decades of working with the Medical Community, who had been unable to help. Here are videos where Sheryl shares her experiences:
What is the Process?
When the word “Hypnosis” is said, the reactions are varied. However, it doesn’t matter what you may have thought about hypnosis until now, because there is an abundance of scientific evidence of its efficacy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5635845/ and Stanford University, https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2016/07/study-identifies-brain-areas-altered-during-hypnotic-trances.html
For instance, using an fMRI, neuroscientists compared people’s brain while having an experience to those while practicing meditation, visualization, and hypnosis. While those practicing meditation and visualization used parts of the brain that were different from having an actual experience, those who were in hypnosis had identical brain activity to having an actual experience.
Why is this important? Because when a person is in hypnosis and activating the parts of the brain of having a real experience, then those neural pathways can be altered to create a new and better experience.
- A person with PTSD who used to associate loud noises to hyper-vigilance can be freed so that loud noises are just part of daily life and makes them feel comfortable.
- A person who became depressed when they thought of a certain person can be transformed to have a positive feeling when they think of that person
- A person who used to become stressed when they looked at all the work they had to do can now look at their workload and be happy as they tackle one task at a time.
- A person who had a fear of public speaking can find a wealth of confidence and a thrill of excitement as they consider presenting to audiences.
Hardware and Software
So, I’d like you to think about your brain being like a computer. There’s hardware and software that make it operate. What if there were never any updates? Your computer would run slow, act erratically, and be susceptible to viruses. In short, it would be outdated.
Many of our beliefs are that way. They were good at one point in our life, but now they’re outdated for any number of reasons. These outdated beliefs cause us to lack the success we want in life, to have less-than-optimal relationships, to feel frustrated and resentful about how our life has turned out, and to feel stressed to the point of burnout.
It’s time for new coding for your mind to bring it into optimal processing!