It’s nearing the end of July and it’s time to create a fresh “Comfort Zone” since I’ve been in isolation mode for some time now. My agenda has been to stay healthy and safe with walking, bicycling around the neighborhood. Playing occasional PickleBall and watching tennis in the park and club have been additional summer activities.
Now my “new concentration” is my home landscaping and that is my way of “stepping beyond my comfort zone”. For years my “satisfaction and status quo” level has been leave well enough alone. If it “ain’t broke don’t fix it” isn’t going to be my norm anymore.
So, I started a “honey do list” and boy-o-boy has it payed-off in feeling like a new dude. Just within weeks I opened up my eyes and what a clear view…the fog has been lifted.
First, getting the air-conditioner serviced makes the hot days of summer more tolerable…open windows and fans doesn’t cut anymore. I’m ready for the “Dog Days of August” in Kansas. Stepping out of the Zone.
Second, getting rid of an old car and donating to charity. The garage is almost livable now with the open space. Moving things and old junk hitting the trash is so rewarding after years. Organizing and structure works. A collectors nightmare of stuff is bye-bye…stepping out of the Zone.
Third, do-it-yourself landscaping. Designing a new “curb appeal” is more attractive than the years of “zero, zilch and no character area” in the front yard. Which has lead to colorful plants for the first time in years…stepping out of the Zone.
Fourth, tree trimming and a clean, safe look after years of out of control growth. It makes such a difference to have a groomed and healthy tree serviced by professional regardless of price…stepping out of the Zone.
I know this isn’t earth shattering but it has really helped my morale given the crisis circumstances. By ignoring the above for years for whatever reasons, whether it be financial or just plain lazy and content. No more excuses to let things slide day-after-day or year-after-year. By the way, a few compliments by your neighbors goes a long way to feeling good and prideful.
So bottom line, for someone’s future growth and a well-being spirit…step out of your Comfort Zone and explore, adventure into a new experience.