“It’s never too late to start taking control of your finances, and I have the effective methods and systems backed by proper training and support to help you grow your wealth and take control of your financial future,” says Andrew Woodward, the expert online wealth builder, and coach who has helped people in realizing their dream of creating multiple income streams and secure their future for good.
Andrew hasn’t gone through any formal education in money management and he has learned all about handling finances through years of experience by observing seasoned investors and coaches handle their money. “Money Management and Investing is not taught in schools, and one has to dive deep into the subject to gain accurate and helpful knowledge which can be implemented in real-time,” states Andrew, whose aim is to change the lives of 1,000,000 people by empowering them with proper money management and investing knowledge.
According to Andrew, being in charge of your financial future is not as difficult as it seems as it requires an uncomplicated system that is easy to follow and implement, and which is also in sync with your lifestyle needs. Andrew’s system is designed to accumulate your wealth and control the overspending habits created by the banks and modern society. What’s unique about his system is that he teaches people how to manage and invest their money by themselves, without the need or support of any third-party financial advisors. What’s distinct about his system is how simple and easy to understand it is, even by a beginner who doesn’t believe effective money management is something they can do.
It’s interesting to know how the seeds of guaranteeing a safe financial future got planted in Andrews’ mind. An incident that took place in his life years back changed his entire perspective towards handling finances. Sitting at home, freaking out about how to pay the bills and having no idea how he would be able to pay them, he started to feel pain in his stomach, something like a heart attack. The pressure continues to come down as if someone is hitting on his neck. His body was shaking and he was shivering in so much pain and frustration. That’s when he realized the importance of taking control of his finances for the welfare of his family. Something has to change, and he decided it would be him. He laid his hands on everything he could to learn more about money-making ideas by studying the workings of successful people and wealth creators. While searching for the right formula, he came across the book ‘Losing My Virginity’ by Richard Branson, which made him realize the fact that all successful people had something in common, a consistent method of saving or investing their money, and soon after going through some more readings that confirmed his discovery, he started implementing those core ideas in his life with his money. After going through the initial stages of setbacks he finally found the right way out and started to implement the system with his money and surprisingly found the success he was seeking. He had finally found the secret formula to attain a stress-free life and grow money in the right direction.
Today, his system works amazingly well and he wants to spread the secrets of using this formula to a larger audience which can help to ensure their financial security.