This App Saves Lives was founded on the premise that we all have the ability to be a superhero with the decisions we make each time we get behind the wheel and drive. We built our free mobile app to reward drivers who choose not to engage in phone-based distracted driving. And by creating and fostering an ecosystem of caring individuals who recognize that even just one distracted driving-related accident, injury or death is one too many – we’re all doing our part to make the roads safer while having fun and earning great rewards along the way. 

Since our inception, we’ve listened to our nationwide audience of drivers and it’s with great pleasure and excitement that we’re announcing the official launch of This App Saves Lives’ Parent Portal

The Portal enables the parents of young drivers to monitor and reward their child’s safe driving behavior. Since young drivers represent a disproportionate percentage of distracted driving-related fatalities, we’re facilitating a unique partnership between parents and their children that helps prevent bad habits from forming in their infancy. And we’re doing so in a manner that is fun, engaging, and rewarding. 

In addition to the hundreds of rewards already available on the TASL app, parents can sponsor their own unique rewards designed to motivate their young driver. From extra allowance, later curfew, concert tickets and more – parents are incentivizing the safe driving behavior of their young driver.  

In doing so, we’re all putting an end to a behavior that causes 2 million accidents every single year.

So on behalf of the TASL community and our team, I’m thrilled to introduce you to This App Saves Lives’ Parent Portal! 

To get started yourself or to share the Portal with someone you know, simply visit or click here to create your account.

To see the Portal in action, please check out our How it Works video below:  


  • Ryan Frankel

    Entrepreneur, Founder of This App Saves Lives, Mentor, Fitness Enthusiast, Proud Dad x2

    Ryan is Co-Founder and CEO of Workup, the world's first trusted marketplace and knowledge-hub for health and wellness information, products and services. He's also the creator of Longevity Today (, a longevity and wellness newsletter. Ryan is a serial entrepreneur and previously was the Founder of This App Saves Lives, ("TASL"), a mobile app-based solution that rewards undistracted driving behavior. Previously, Ryan founded the online nutrition coaching platform, EduPlated. He was the CEO and Co-Founder of VerbalizeIt, a language translation services company featured on Shark Tank and which was acquired in 2016. Ryan is an author, Wharton MBA alumnus, mentor, Inc. Magazine Top 35 Under 35 entrepreneur and an Ironman triathlete. You'll find him residing just outside of Philadelphia with his wife, two kids, Golden Retriever and pair of running shoes.