Without a Vision the people parish.

True story… this month at my church is Ladies Month and last night we had a paint party. Anyone knows me I am very creative, but at the same time I’m Slazy (I’m lazy but still slay it!) ok I was transparent, no judgement,moving on. Lol?

Ok so this picture is from our Pajama Paint Party, last night. So I’ve done this before I’m creative know what doing right, I got this. I was given, “ A Triphant Lady is Anointed!” Oh yes baby that me Ms. Anointed, Creative, Connected, and Respected. I just knew that my painting was going to look like I brought it off the shelf at Target. So there I go painting, boosting, and bragging, and I miss steps, took short cuts, and relied on pure talent….. and it was and epic failure. It was a disaster! I had to start all over agian. I had wasted time, supplies, resources, and energy, but I didn’t quit I started over! I was then given this saying, “A Triumphant Lady is a Visionary!” and I heard the Spirit say you can be anointed and appointed but if you have no vision you will find your self always starting over! ? Girl the Lord straight donkey kicked me in the face! I hear ya Lord.

So many times we are given assignments, task, and opportunities that will lead us to our destiny and we rely on pure talent, know how, and anointing. Yet failing to write a plan, execute the plan, follow the plan.

There’s a quote that says a goal without a plan is only a wish! Stop wishing your way through life like you serve a magical, genie God, and trust God to anointed your plan. I tried this in my business, and God said, Get a Plan! If you always find your self starting over, check your plan, most of us will find we never had one, we were just relying on pure Anointing. Granted it’s the anointing that destroys the yoke, but it the vision that prepares you for the yokes! For the no’s, the setback, the frustration.

Even when I started over again, it was not what I had invisioned but because I follow the plan I was able to use my anointing to make adjustments to complete the task!

“An Anointing with out a Vision, is like a hot air ballon sitting on the ground!”

(Blowing hot air, full of potential, goin no where!)