The times we live in are undoubtedly challenging; maintaining a healthy outlook whilst keeping our focus on work can be difficult. Now more, than ever, we must look to preserve our mental health and overall well-being.
At the same time; working our regular jobs or leading our businesses can seem more complex than before with telecommuting and social isolation becoming the norm. We spoke to Don’t Die Wondering founder Antoin Commane about his tips on how to confront the new reality:
Plan for the worst-case scenario whilst staying optimistic about the best case
“Early on in the crisis I took a view to stay positive on an overall outcome post Covid whilst prepping our infrastructure and team for a reshuffle to deal with the worst case. This has been a lifesaver as it has allowed us to keep going while keeping running costs down.
If you’re running a business, I suggest trying to take an outside view of your costs and revenues and try to be unemotional about your decisions. However, if you can, do use this time to build the foundational blocks that will allow you to springboard ahead when lockdown ends. This time can be the supercharge you need to succeed.
If you’re working for someone, I would suggest a similar strategy; reduce your costs to only your essentials and dig deep to find new ways in which you can enrich yourself spiritually (perhaps now you have the time to rediscover your hobbies) and financially with new revenue streams (get your side hustles prepared).
No matter what – please remember, this too shall pass!”
Move Online & Be Transparent
“We made a lateral pivot to shift our DDW team and offering online. This could be a way for you to discover new ways in which you can engage with your customers, colleagues and employers in interesting ways. I try to see this as another opportunity to learn.
With that in mind, transparency is a great way to engage. No matter what, everyone is going through a tough time – it’s good to communicate with your peers, employees, clients, suppliers and share with them if you’re struggling, it can bond you to fight the adversity together. We make regular calls to our members to check up on them and it’s been a wonderful experience.”
Look After Your Mind & Body
“It might sound trite but physical exercise, fresh air and eating well are essential tools to fight any challenge, especially one of this scale. Try downloading a meditation app and give yourself ten minutes to unwind and re-centre. Going for a walk, stretching (see Roger Frampton’s online classes), working out (check our Nicole Winhoffer’s celebrity method here) and eating balanced high-vibe meals (see our list of fresh food delivery) will give you a natural boost.”
Embrace Positive Thoughts
“Never underestimate the power of your mind; you can literally materialise your thoughts into reality. A good tip is to choose to focus on the positive things in your life instead of how bad you feel. Consider starting each day by making a list of the things you are grateful for. Maintain a sense of hope, strive to accept changes as they arise, and try to consider problems in perspective.
Tackle the challenges of the week armed with these words of encouragement and wisdom and the confidence to know that there is no force greater than your will, not even a pandemic.:”
Antoin Commane is an entrepreneur with a 225,000 following on instagram and 25,000 on twitter – he tweets daily about wellness, mindset and philosophy.