There is no better or worse time of the day to feel anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety you might find your state of mind interfering with what is right in front of you: whether it be business or personal. Since becoming a new mom 10 months ago, I can relate to the feelings of anxiety at random times during my day. It can leave me sobbing and unable to get a word out. Don’t let this discourage you (I sure didn’t), because I’ve found a few lifestyle practices that help cut anxiety on the spot.
Get Low
Fatigue, restlessness, sweating, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, or unwanted thoughts are considered common symptoms of anxiety. Attempting to change the stimulus is something I prioritize. So I get low, on the ground, cross legged or lying flat on my back. When I am stressed about something my goal would be to get grounded and come up with a plan. Making sure to get on the ground with anxiety gives me that symbolism and a starting point to lessen feelings of anxiety. This also helps blood to circulate to the brain and achieve a more calming feeling.

Change Your Language
Fear and awkwardness are common barriers when it comes to talking about mental health. Talking about your anxiety with others can be difficult, but talking to yourself about it can be easy. For example, rather than thinking, “Oh my gosh, this is awful. What if I completely lose it, who is watching me?” take advantage of affirmative self talk language such as, “Ok, this doesn’t feel good. It’s just my body’s normal emergency response and it will end, as I stop scaring myself. I am safe”.
Focus On One Object
Pick one object directly in front of you and consciously note everything about it possible. Being repetitive with a description of this object helps to calm and control your mindset. Not sure what to take note of? Describe the patterns, color, shapes, and size of the object to yourself, and repeat. Focus all of your energy on this object, and talk out loud for best results.
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