If you’re looking to hear that life is always on your side, you have come to the wrong place. If you want your life to be a smooth sail you won’t achieve the extraordinary. In this life you will fail, get hurt, get rejected and all the negative things life throws at you. I realised that quiet early in life and believe me, it was not an easy truth to realise.

Have you ever seen what rejection does to people? There are a lot of people that get offended or hurt by the rejection they get from others. They fall into sadness and anger towards the world and think life is unfair.

Rejection is the mechanism.

Rejection is the fuel.

Rejection is the success.

The world will always find something to reject about you. People will find fault in the way you look, dress, walk, talk, speak and live. There is always something that they are looking to identify in the negative light about you.

You will get people during the course of your life that will not want to be in your world. But instead they will want to judge you from the outside. I wonder how people can judge others from the outside not knowing the inside. It astonishes me how we as people are. We are unable to control our thoughts towards other people, the words we speak to them, the way we behave towards them.

I believe in a world of love and war. There are those that will love and they are those that fight with the ones who love. There are people who hate good things and to make themselves feel better, they have to hurt others.

People should not underestimate what rejection can do to and for a person. Rejection saves people from forming bad relationships that could not only harm their way of thinking, but also influence their overall behaviour.

Rejection allows the spirit of discernment to work in ones favour and against the favour of the “rejecter.” How great it is to realise that the tragedies of life build the success in life.

Prosperity is built on tragedy.

Prosperity takes time. It is born from all the negative circumstances one has to endure in life. But that depends on their perspective. If you look at the world with a negative eye, that’s what you’ll attract.

Your perception will be shaped from that and your life will start getting bad. You’ll wonder why bad things are happening to you.

Tragedy inspires strong men to reach for the stars. It moves them from a place of rejection to a place of great lessons and inspiration.


Take time to enjoy the rejection you face. Take time to notice the direction it’s taking you- the milestones it can take you up to. Always make it a habit to have a positive mind. Make it an everyday thing to smile at your problems.

Always have happiness safely secured in your subconscious mind. Take time to realise that life is not all great and fun. Be rejected sometimes, it’s truly worth the trouble.