My family

I just recently flew out to see two people who I love who are very near and dear to my heart. Both are up in age one who is struggling health-wise.

It’s expected, as you know when we get older our bodies slowly begin to deteriorate. It’s something that’s inedible and expected, but emotionally it’s very hard to accept. No one likes to get old and no one likes to see the ones we love begin to take a turn for the worst.

I wanted to give my love and support and of course, help them in any way I could. As I was there I experienced many realizations.

It was like God, the spirits and angels were talking to my heart. Things I knew already, but sometimes we forget because we are so busy doing the things society has brainwashed us to think is important.

Are material possessions important?

We get so wrapped up with work, focusing on our job, making money so we can pay the bills or pay for the materialistic luxuries we all enjoy (houses, brand name clothes, nice cars, trips etc…) I see so many people including myself who get so wrapped up on focusing on the things that are meaningless. We begin to waste away the precious moments that God has given us.

The expectancy of life

We all expect to live long lives, but honestly, we don’t know how long God has planned for us to be on this planet.

In my lifetime I have seen many people I know who were young and at one time vibrant individuals with amazing personalities take a turn for the worst and all of a sudden pass.

Rethinking what really matters

So how important are the materialistic things in life that we all have grown accustomed too? Can we bring them to heaven when we pass?

What message are we sending our children? This weekend I realized that family, the people we love, those few special friends that have stuck by you through thick and thin, you know the ones.

The ones that if you fall they’ll dive in to catch you even though they know there’s a chance they will fall too. The friends you consider family.

Family, those special friends are everything and while you are alive you should try to enjoy as much time as you can with them because once they’re gone that’s it. Even time with our children, life flies by so quickly.

Before you know it they’re grown. Now as an adult I look back and reflect on those memories. Those memories, those special times have helped me become the person I am today. Family is so important.

Family and good friends are so important. The time you spend with them is precious. They play the biggest role in your life and this is what life is all about.


Don’t take the little things for granted. We all tend to take our family and friends for granted. We expect ourselves and them to be here tomorrow, but no one knows what God has in store. Enjoy your family now.

A life without family and love is meaningless. In the 1920s ’30s, 40’s people had no materialistic possessions, but they had their family and friends and look at how great those generations turned out.

When it comes to money. It’s meaningless. Money won’t bring you happiness. It brings you temporary pleasure. If you’re struggling with cash you can always borrow from Peter to pay Paul and eventually as you know life has a way of working itself out in the end. But to work like a dog and neglect time with your family…

I have heard so many people say, “I do it for my kids.” I have known so many people whose parents worked their life away and the kids never got to see them much. Those kids grew up with resentment because they never got to see their parents or their parents missed special events that meant a lot to that person.

It’s not worth it. You’ll never get those moments back. Think about what the best times in your life were. Don’t take the little things in life for granted. Enjoy it while you have the time.

I thank God that I have been able to surround my kids with such great family members and friends. Between us raising our kids and the great examples (family & friends), our children have turned out to become amazing caring adults filled will love and beautiful smiles from ear to ear.

I would love to hear what you think. Please take a moment to comment your thoughts about family and if you think the social media, reality TV and other TV shows are brainwashing society – steering them on the wrong pathway and causing many of them to lose priority in life.


  • Stacey Chillemi

    A renowned 20 Times Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Coach & Podcaster

    The Advisor With Stacey Chillemi

    Introducing an extraordinary individual, a renowned speaker, an esteemed coach, a captivating podcaster, and a remarkable 20-time best-selling author! With such an impressive record of accomplishments, it comes as no surprise that she has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2023 by Apple News and featured in a prominent story on Grit Daily. But that's not all! This dynamic individual has garnered attention across major media outlets, including ABC, NBC, CBS, Psychology Today, Insider, Business Insider, and Yahoo News, accumulating an astonishing 17 million views! Furthermore, she has graced the stage of the Dr. Oz Show not once but five times, collaborated with influential figures like Ariana Huffington, and made captivating appearances on numerous TV shows, news segments, podcasts, and radio programs. Originally launching her career at NBC, where she contributed to Dateline, News 4, and The Morning Show, this inspiring professional redirected her boundless talents and capabilities toward becoming a full-time speaker and writer. With an unwavering passion for empowering both men and women to conquer their challenges and rise to the pinnacle of success, our speaker, coach, podcaster, and author invites you to unearth your true potential. Embrace the opportunity to be motivated by Stacey Chillemi's invaluable insights and strategies for living life on your own terms. Join this esteemed speaker today and allow yourself to be inspired to take that first transformative step toward lasting success! Welcome to a world of possibilities where you can thrive with Stacey Chillemi as your guide.