In today’s digital world, we can send messages to people all over the world in an instant. In some ways this is ideal. We can get more done through Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facetime. We can video chat with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Technology has made communicating with others easier and convenient. But are we really connecting? Face-to-face meet-ups offer personal connections in so many ways. It give us the attention we need, capture emotions, and enhance relationships.
Socialisation is a vital part of everyday life. Being sociable helps keep our mental and physical health in check. It has it’s own health benefits, such as reducing the risk of depression and loneliness. Making time to connect with the people in your network creates a sense of belonging. It helps us navigate through life without feeling alone.
Online communication doesn’t provide personal connections. The feeling of smiling together or touch. We are far more likely to relive and rehash bad experiences online than good ones. It’s easy to forget a slip of the tongue. A slip of the keyboard stays in a chat history long after the typed words. Making you to focus on the harder parts of relationships, rather than the good times.