Extroverts are often seen as successful, capable, results-oriented individuals who are always happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, introverts are frequently seen as the opposite. Simply because someone is introverted does not mean that person is not happy or healthy, or a success either. Let’s look at the similarities and differences of introverts and extroverts, to see where your talents lie.
Characteristics of an Introvert
Introverts feel more energized and comfortable when they spend time alone, often turning their thoughts inward.
An introvert may hear a question or conversation, and have the appropriate and correct information to add. However, this person will usually opt to stay silent, and is quieter in general than an extrovert. They don’t require the approval or input of others for feelings of self-worth.
Introverts enjoy one-on-one conversations with people they feel comfortable around. They develop very strong bonds and relationships, but with an extremely limited number of people. Introverts listen while extroverts chatter away, and they often struggle with change, but can focus easily, even for long periods of time. The classic introvert prefers to work alone or in a very small group, and is not interested in drawing any attention to himself.
Characteristics of an Extrovert
Extroverts become revitalized and full of energy by spending time with others.
Even if they are in a group of strangers and have no one to talk to, they draw energy from the situation. These individuals can be loud and boisterous, and quick to give their opinion on just about any topic. Extroverts love parties, and the bigger the crowd, the more comfortable they are.
These people love group conversations, and almost always have more friends and acquaintances than introverts do. However, relationships are often flighty, and bonds not as strong as those that introverts develop. Extroverts get distracted easily, talk much more than they listen, and will open up to just about anyone. They make decisions quickly and absolutely love getting attention, preferring working in groups rather than alone, and crave the opinion of others, and social recognition.
You May Be an Ambivert
Most human beings have qualities of both introverts and extroverts. This means that you qualify as an ambivert. Look at the list of qualities above. There is a good chance you possess some of the characteristics of both extroverts and introverts. This ambidextrous ability to thrive in multiple environments and situations usually means more personal and social success, health and well-being than either one of the introverted or extroverted alternative personalities.
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