Have you ever considered your own personal definition for success? It is an interesting exercise. Taking the time to write down all of the things that are important to you and what you’d like to achieve creates energy and focus.
As a business owner, a strategic plan or business plan is most often the roadmap used to determine where you are and where you’d like to be in the foreseeable future. There are a number of resources available to customize the document for your industry, product or service. It is a great visual and reference guide for professional success. A conversation starter when you collaborate with strategic partners, hire team members and negotiate with suppliers and manufacturers.
It becomes a “living document,” revised or amended based on market conditions, sales opportunities and the personal goals and objectives of the business owner.
It is the written How to your Why.
As you begin to execute the plan there will be points along the way that are considered tipping points. A time of growth, when additional resources are necessary to meet company goals and objectives.
It starts a whole new conversation.
Scaling a business most often requires a number of new resources in order to meet market demand and as the owner, it is both exciting and exhilarating to see the plan taking shape.
What if…
Your happy with your current status and your not interested in the additional responsibility and commitment required to take the next step?
If a business plan is a living document that we are able to change direction based on a number of economic factors, what about our personal goals?
We are hard wired for success and that most often includes growth and expansion with a quest for additional revenue.
Each tipping point has a mirror effect on lifestyle choices for both the business owner and the team.
I often ask the question, what is your definition for success because it sets the stage for the lifestyle choices directly connected to your future success.
There is a personal sacrifice required with each tipping point that will have an impact on both the company and the team.
Growth often means we need to recalibrate, align and change both the time and resources required to continue on our success track with personal goals and objectives.
There are times when the ROI (return on investment) may be too great a sacrifice to support the change in numbers on the balance sheet.
It reinforces the importance of creating our own definition for success and at the same time keeping in mind the balance between our wealth and wellbeing.
What is your tipping point?
Your business plan will create a whole new definition for success.
Trish Tonaj is a Master Coach Practitioner, conducting keynotes and workshops on how to amplify your business and shareyourstories.online …breaking barriers, starting meaningful conversations and creating a new definition for success.