It’s natural for your goals to shift through the years, especially as you spend more time in business. Maybe you have kids and realize there’s more to life than chasing a corner office with a great view. Maybe you lost the fire and passion you once felt about business. The truth is, it happens to a lot of people.

Ronny Leber says you might be evolving personally, or in business. The drive to change, grow, and go another direction can be natural, and you should evaluate your current needs. Are you aligned with your goals and values? Are you fulfilled? Are you passionate about what you’re doing?
While many know Ronny Leber as a TV and event host or through his work with Tony Robbins, I came across him another way. I’m always on the search to learn more about what makes entrepreneurs tick and what sets some people apart on their journeys. Ronny Leber’s blog caught my attention, when he wrote about finding the moments and things in your life that offer you enthusiasm. What is it that drives you?
His life changed dramatically. Some would have called it a curse, not knowing what was next, but he took the big bank crash of years back and reinvented his career. He believes you need to dig deep and truly understand who you are, what you stand for, and what inspires you. In those answers, you’ll find your driving force.

He says to find your “why”, which is similar to Simon Sinek, who has the same philosophy. Knowing what motivates you to do something puts you on a clear path. When you can truly understand your wants and needs, what will fulfill you, you’ll find your enthusiasm.
This stadium announcer and keynote speaker makes an impact wherever he goes. It’s fascinating reading about everything he’s done. Did you know he’s one of the most recognized voices in the German speaking world? What’s cool is that he wants to take all his international experience worldwide, and to the United States. The U.S. would be fortunate to be exposed to such a vivid speaker. He’s driven to make an impact, so I’m sure he’ll take the U.S. by storm if his amazing path so far is any indication.
Some of the other questions he says to pinpoint are things like, what inspired you as a child? He goes on to ask you to consider how you spend your spare time and where you spend your money. Good points. Think about it, when you’re not on the clock, you’re drawn to certain types of books, movies, entertainment or experiences. Where do you put your money? There are clues all around you when it comes to finding your passion.

Happiness and leaving a legacy are at the crossroads of doing something that feeds your mind and soul, while building your own dream job. Imagine waking up every day and loving what you do, why you do it, and wanting to share this passion with others.
He does warn that you may not always find success the first go around, but if you aren’t willing to dream big, you can’t win big. I like that sentiment. There are wise words in there, and it makes you stop to consider what choices have been made up to this point.
If you want to check out his blog to read some of the inspiring and helpful information, he’s over at I really liked the article about passion, and there’s a helpful guide he offers as well.

And check this out, he’s been a keynote speaker at events for massive companies like Re/Max, Coca-Cola, Oracle, Dale Carnegie and more. If you want to learn how to take control of your career, you certainly won’t go wrong learning more about this entrepreneur’s journey. Ronny Leber knows what he’s doing. Consider us impressed.