Byron Katie has said “When someone loves what is, she makes use of anything life happens to bring her way, because she doesn’t con herself anymore.” Katie’s own life is a testament to this statement. In 1986, at the bottom of a ten-year spiral into depression, rage and self-loathing, she woke up one morning to a state of joy that has never left her. She realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she questioned them, she didn’t suffer, and that this is true fo every human being. Her simple yet powerful process of inquiry is called The Work.
Katie has been bringing The Work to millions of people for more than thirty years. Her public events, workshops, intensives, School for The Work and Turnaround House have brought freedom to people all over the world. Her books include the bestselling Loving What Is and A Mind At Home With Itself. To discover all about The Work and so much more, enjoy the videos below.
“Judge your neighbor, write it down, ask four questions, turn it around – just one at a time”:
[youtube]Watch our full conversation here: