This is Part 3 of a 6-Part series on zoning in on where you’re at on your experience radar. How does it translate into your life – all aspects; lifestyle, career, finances, goals, play, adventures, people you meet, and how you’re living your life, every day.
What stops you in your tracks? What prevents you from doing what excites you? If you dig deep there is a common thread, a commonality to your journey. It may have been something from when you were young and uninhibited. The time before you were influenced by others that said: “You can’t do that.” A hobby that you loved, where time flew by. Something that you would do whether you were paid to do it or not.
You know I struggled with this idea of pinpointing what I wanted to do with my life for an incredibly long time. I felt that I needed to clearly define that one thing. And I realized that, it has never been that one thing for me. There certainly was a theme, and yet never one thing.
Apart from society influencing our decisions whereby we’re instructed to focus on one area of work or else we’re described as being dabblers rather than experts, we also have, more than ever before, more options to ‘become’ so many things. Exciting and sometimes paralyzing.
Here’s where gumption and finding the nerve to push through the naysayers to find your thing, is so important.
We grapple with not only not knowing what it is that we want to pursue, but the nerve to take some kind of action. Even if we’re not quite clear as to what that ‘thing’ is, it’s important to try.
Try things until something sticks. Once something sticks, go for it! Take steps toward taking action every day. I find myself repeating this mantra.
I’ve written about this a number of times on how important it is to try things to build your confidence until you find that ‘thing’ or ‘things’ that you want to spend even more time doing.
Why? Because for whatever reason we lack the nerve and/or confidence in ourselves to want to push ahead. If we find any excuse not to do something, guess what, we won’t do it. You share your idea with someone, and they poke holes in it – you won’t do it. You hit roadblocks or obstacles that you didn’t anticipate – you won’t continue. You find any reason to not make the effort – you won’t proceed. And there lies the pattern.
Just like the lion in the movie; The Wizard of Oz who thought he didn’t have the nerve or the courage – fast forward, he discovers that he had the courage all along. He was defeating himself. His state of mind was set on “I can’t do it.”
When you find that you’re holding yourself back, remember that this is a pattern, a mindset that you’ve created.
Now is the time to reset that pattern. Create a new one, where you’re willing to try. You’re willing to push through the hesitation and create a new mantra of; “When I say GO, I GO.”
I leave you with this until next week when we dive into Part 4 of Are You Experienced where I discuss, despite all efforts, you may still be finding yourself stuck and demotivated. Why is that?
Part 4 – What’s Stopping Me?