Have you ever wondered what you are meant to be in this world, i.e. your Life Purpose? If so, then look no further than your astrological birth chart for the clues that will lead you to answer the existential question: “Why Am I here?”; and that includes what you do for work!
Your astrological birth chart is determined by the exact date, time and place of your birth; it is a snapshot of the heavens when you take your first breath.
There is no such thing as a good or a bad birth chart or a lucky or unlucky one. As Jan Spiller writes in her book “Astrology for the Soul” : “Your Birth chart provides a picture of the inner wiring you were born with, but what you do with that wiring is up to you!”
Once you unravel your birth chart, you will notice that it goes beyond deciphering your personality or your psyche. It is also a map that reveals invaluable information or “data points” to uncover your life purpose.
The Lunar Nodes
Often referred to as the South Node and North Node, the Lunar Nodes, represent one of the most important clues into your life purpose.
The Lunar Nodes relate to the path you must undertake in order to live your most fulfilled life. A path of growth and expansion represented by the lessons you have to learn and the attributes you must develop i.e. your North Node along with the letting go of patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you. i.e. your South Node.
The meaning and house placement of these two key data points can not only shed light on your patterns, behaviors, attractions, and apprehensions but also help guide your life choices; including your choice of career.
The South Node
The South Node indicates our instinctive and unconscious biases, behaviors, skills and motivations.
When we go on “auto-pilot” we are acting out of the South Node. It is the inherent program of strengths, weaknesses, habits and outlooks that we naturally start out with. We may go our whole lives without challenging this basic orientation if we so choose.
In this realm, we act out of habit and instinct, for better or worse, and we may be a bit unwilling to question (or even notice) our own perspectives, stereotypes and tendencies.
The South node, like any part of the birth chart, comprises positive and negative potentials. You might gain a great deal of success in the areas indicated by your South Node because the talents or insights needed come very naturally and easily to you. You may also easily slip into the distortions, fears or weaknesses indicated by this placement.
However, whether positive or negative, the South node represents an aspect of the individual which is already completed. The work here is done!
Even if you have found material success in the areas of your South Node, true satisfaction has probably eluded you. No matter how much success you might accrue, the deepest part of you will always feel stifled and unfulfilled because you shied away from the challenge to grow and evolve. There can be no expansion in the South Node, only stagnation.
The North Node
On the other hand, the North Node indicates the most profound lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime. This a new frontier of experiences you are called to explore and a future self you are destined to grow into. For this reason, the areas indicated by this placement evoke a great deal of excitement, attraction and fulfillment. But, there may also potentially be a corresponding amount of apprehension, fear and disorientation.
In the earlier stages of experiencing your North Node, you may feel like a “fish out of water” in the fields of activity indicated by the North Node. You may feel insecure and awkward as you learn to inhabit a worldview which is fundamentally new and unnatural to you. It is uncertain and frightening because it is the field that is the polar opposite of your comfort zone.
Yet at the same time, you will feel deeply drawn to master and grow into these talents, skills and perspectives, and you can probably sense that there will always be a missing piece, an unsatisfied hunger in you, if you give into fear and back away from these challenges.
Living out the North Node means walking a tightrope between fascination and anxiety, between exhilaration and the risk of embarrassment. However, the rewards are well worth the trips and stumbles along the way; since herein lies the source of meaning and fulfillment in your life and the opportunity for your greatest expansion.
The Lunar Nodes At Work
To illustrate how the North and South Node might reflect in your career choices, I have selected the example of Aquarius North Node / Leo South Node:
Leo South Node
Individuals who have not yet stepped fully into their Aquarius North Node would be operating in their Leo South Node. At work, they have probably chosen a career where they’re in the spotlight and recognized for their talents; as a movie actor, a comedian, a politician, a top salesperson, or a head of an organization. Even in smaller roles, they will choose jobs or projects where they can showcase their skills and talents as an individual, while also fighting to maintain the status quo. “This is how we’ve always done it!” is probably a phrase that a Leo South Node would say when challenged with a new or innovative idea.
They feel comfortable in a leadership role asserting their views and ways of how things should be done. These individuals potentially lead with a “command and control” style: “Do as I say”.
They feel equally comfortable taking on a project on their own where they can shine as the star who saves the day or delivers top results so that they can gain the recognition and approval they so crave.
Being on a “team of equals” or working on projects where there is no personal benefit feels very unnatural to them.
Even if they find a lot of success, however, fulfillment at work will remain out of reach. As they close the next deal, complete the next project, reach the next milestone number of followers on social media, or win the next trophy, they are disappointed that none realized its promise of happiness and fulfillment.
Aquarius North Node
Once they go through their journey of transformation and fully embrace their Aquarius North Node, their choices shift from the self to the community. These individuals feel most fulfilled when they use their talents to shine the spotlight on the cause they take on rather than on themselves.
They welcome innovative and creative ways to solve problems and approach all endeavors rather than relying simply on the true and tested methods.
Aquarius North Node relish collaborating with team members; they include others in the decision making and recognize that everyone has a unique role to play, including themselves. They also choose to focus on roles that champion humanitarian causes in fields such as: science, engineering, and non-profit to name a few.
Even in traditional corporate careers, such as sourcing, Aquarius North Node can live their path through roles that enable them to have an impact on a cause that they champion. For example, they can be part of a supplier selection committee to protect workers rights. They can also be part of a sustainability committee that focuses on finding innovative ways to recycle unused products and eliminate harmful materials from the supply chain.
The Aquarius North Node shines in the realms of Community, sustainability, collaboration, and innovation.
So to find fulfillment in your life and your career, you must learn what patterns of behavior are actually hindering your attempts at growth and the fulfillment of your highest desires and which activities must replace them. Your Lunar Nodes placement will help you do just that.
If you don’t know your Lunar Nodes, you can find them at: https://astrostyle.com/nodes-calculator/