I recently heard a woman say that she used to live a life of wants and it triggered something in me. She was in her sixties, a nurse, married to a physician, had children and grandchildren … but up till this recent encounter she was discussing, she had “lived a life of wants.” 

I knew EXACTLY what she was talking about; I have lived a life of wants and I work/live with people who are living a life of wants. We know what we want; we see it, but then we also see all the reasons why it’s not possible, why it’s unlikely to happen, why it’s not in the cards for us. So we keep our heads down, and we keep on chugging – because what we have IS good enough, why complain, why bother? We are thankful AND we are actually better (smile) than those who are full of “what they don’t want/like.”

BUT what if we “Dare Greatly” in the words of Brene` Brown? What if you took one step in the direction of your dreams? What if you took another step after that? Yes, you might get rejected (for the date, for the promotion, for a night out with your husband …) but you might not. You might get a YES!!!! a small yes,  big yes, a YES!

This year, I’ve been embracing the vulnerability (aka fear) that keeps us from stepping out and going after our hearts’ desires. So instead of just WANTING … I’m going after it; I’m asking, I’m offering my services. Have I been rejected? Definitely! 

Here’s my goal: To give as many people as possible the opportunity to say no (because that means I’m giving them the opportunity to say yes). I’m no longer running away from that no. I take it as a notch on my belt; my “no” for the day. From my husband, my coworker, my clients … I’m stepping into that vulnerable place daily. 

I invite you to join me in  “hearing no” because it means you’re allowing yourself to BE, you’re giving wings to your dreams, you’re coming alive. No one’s coming to do it for you – it’s a gift you give yourself. 

And it moves you from wanting to BEING.