I often speak of confronting fear and defeating it using the example of facing one of my biggest challenges which was learning to swim and breathe underwater. I knew that first time when I came up for air everything was going to be okay, the next time I dived in the fear had gone.

Positively challenging myself has enabled significant change in my life and given me the ability to drive myself that little bit further every time I face challenges or take on board more personal goals. Recognizing that I can now stretch outside my comfort zone without breaking enables me to reap the rewards of disruption and enjoy the victory that comes with it.

I accept the challenge how about you?

Here are three benefits of positively challenging yourself in life.

1.New Perspective
You no longer dwell on the past but only keep focusing on moving forward and working on your ideal future. It allows you to reach new levels of heightened self-awareness and realize potential you never even knew you had enabling seeing the bigger picture for you. If you find yourself slipping back into self-doubt and questioning yourself about your ability that heightened self-awareness will kick in empowering you to realize I did it before I can go that little bit further today.

Disruption is required to keep challenging yourself but when you can master the ability to stretch without breaking but cause just enough discomfort to achieve a new goal the feeling alone is so satisfying. It will take your sense of challenge and success to the next level every time. Without difficulty, there’s no breakthrough or success. You will know this from reading stories of successful people. They didn’t have it easy. Challenge yourself if you want to follow in their steps. Ask yourself what do I have to do to keep myself satisfied hungry for more and enable my success?

Positively challenging yourself builds confidence and self-esteem allowing further greater change to transpire. When you build confidence in your own worth and ability, you will be clear on what you have to do to achieve your goals in life. Indeed you can be fulfilled and happy with your achievements to date, but you don’t allow yourself to become complacent as to what is next for you and who you have yet to become, you are always growing and learning.

I leave you with some words from one of the greatest motivators we all love and know.

“You’re off to great places today
 your mountain is waiting so get on your way” Dr Seuss

Originally published at medium.com


  • Pauline Harley

    I Help Bored Mid Career Professionals and Executives Transition with Confidence, Clarity and Candour

    I listen to and write real-life stories that connect mid-career professionals and executives with their value-driven purpose. I've had the pleasure of working with Executives, VP's, Directors and Mid to Late Seasoned Career Professionals worldwide to prepare exit strategies and change careers. I help my clients to: 1. Find the next challenge in their career 2. Transition out of an executive role 3. Achieve a sense of whole self and impact in their newfound career 4. Find the courage to make a career change, following redundancy or retirement and prepare an exit strategy