happy man

Today, I want to know if you are WINNING. Winning at life. You know… the way you feel when you want to end your Instagram post with #winning. Where do you stack up? Are you coasting in some areas and “failing” miserably in others?

Today, I want you to know that you are wired to win. Let that sink in for a moment, because you truly are – but here’s the rub. Whether you’re getting an optimal or dreadful outcome from your life’s current circumstances, you’re consistent actions are creating the outcome. Presently, you are wired to get what you’re getting. Ouch! When I apply this philosophy to my own life, the idea of winning suddenly takes on a slightly different meaning than I grew up thinking.

Can I share with you the silver lining? You can change your wiring, and I’ll share with you how.

Whether we’re winning at a miserable situation (dating the same type of person, poorly managing money, etc.) or at a blissful situation (you know bliss when you feel it; no examples needed!), we are repeatedly perpetuating our circumstances, good or bad. We are wired to win because we keep doing the things that get us what we have.

Soooo, if you don’t like what you’ve got, you have to start doing something differently so you begin to win at something you want. Yes! You get to choose the energy you put into all the things, so might as well put it into what you’d like to claim as a victory.

In order to upgrade your wiring, first think about what you are winning at already.

Write it down.

All of it.

You may initially start scribbling all the happy, positive areas of your life. The incredible career. The caring and supportive partner. However, don’t forget to list the areas of your life that suck. Yep, you are winning in these areas too.

For the areas of your life that need some improving, OK, maybe an actual do-over, brainstorm new things you can do to alter the outcome. Some ideas include:

  • Reevaluate your standards for the given area. Do you have mediocre expectations set for yourself? How can you raise the bar? Does it involve having a loving but firm conversation with someone? Are you willing to put in extra effort to produce a different result?
  • Actually do something differently. Write down a list of actions you are currently taking (which are giving you the results you’re currently getting). How can you alter your actions?

Each day, for the next seven days, I challenge you to do something small that will allow you to win more at the things you enjoy, and less at the things you don’t. The less you win at the sucky things, the better! It means something you’re doing is shifting the outcome (cue happy dance!).

Another helpful tool is to track your activity by the day, week and month. This is a visual method that produces more clarity and organization. That is #winning in my book!

The endgame is to start winning at small things so you can eventually win at bigger things. Developing new standards for yourself creates the “user manual” for yourself and others. How you treat you is how others will too. How you address situations in your life provides the example by which others will also. You set the rules. You get to choose. After all, you are wired to win.

Cicely Everson is a high-performance health coach and writer in Delaware who has been featured on Z Living and at the Green Festivals. Sign up for her free weekly health and lifestyle tips via her website.