If you are not familiar with my work. I am a Habit Strategist. Something I love to do is make content practical. I take my favorite podcasts, books, speeches, articles, etc and I provide the habit I have implemented into my life post consumption.

This week’s content is Men And Women Compare Their Money Spending Habits.

I don’t think their tips and tricks at the end are quality but I do think it’s a funny reminder to audit your spending habits and look at your personal trends every now and then. 

Studies have shown that when you spend your money on investing in yourself and investing in experiences, money can increase happiness and the quality of your life. Money spent on material items does not increase your happiness or the quality of your life.


  • Schedule a $ audit every quarter 
  • Look at your personal trends and ask yourself:
  1. Am I spending money on developing myself and experiences that will widen my perspective or am I spending money on things that produce fleeting feelings?
  • You can replace one big expense that is spent on a material item(s) with something that will expand your perspective or that will grow you.

Spend money on things that will pay you back or what I call get ROD RETURN.ON.DECISION (5:10).  

Rooting for you,