John Giorgi

Going outdoor as part of our daily lives until the Covid19 struck in March 2020 and turned our lives on their heads was pretty standard. Overnight, we were caged inside our homes to comply with the health and government advisories like quarantine, physical distancing, and maintaining a high level of hygiene to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading. People started working from home, many people lost their jobs as businesses came to a grinding halt, and staying at home for days became the new lifestyle. The sudden shock of prolonged captivity started taking a heavy toll on our mental health as the rarest event of our lifetime increased our anxiety and stress that became almost unmanageable at times.

People struggled to adapt to the new truncated lifestyle that depended heavily on digital communication for socializing or working. Zoom meetings became a way of life not only for work but also for family get together.   Now, after more than a year as vaccines bring the hope of ending the pandemic and things are gradually moving toward normalcy, the lingering anxiety about how things will unfold keeps bothering us.  Uncertainty about the future disturbs our mental peace and increases stress. As the world reopens slowly, John Giorgi suggests some ways to navigate it without feeling stressed.

Be at peace in the state you exist

Accept the reality even if you feel that it could have been much better. Avoid skepticism and do not compare the new life with what you have left behind. Instead, accept it as the new normal and try to come to terms with it as soon as you can. Remember that you are going through a period of re-adjustment, and it will become easier to navigate your way ahead. Try to jot down your feelings like fears, anxiety, and hesitations about the pandemic. It will help to organize your thought process and help make better decisions with feeling stressed out.

Maintain your own pace

Move ahead at your own pace that makes you feel comfortable and avoid rushing to regain normalcy as it will take time and yet not certain if it will be the same once again. Rushing would mean walking against the tide that will build up stress. Openly communicate about your hesitancy to attend any social event or going back to the office.  Avoid the pressure of moving too quickly and take time to prepare for coping with the new things that come your way.

Focus on the positives

Despite the negativity encircling us for more than a year, there have been some positives too that might have escaped your attention. For example, spending more time with your family is a significant positive outcome, as well as any new hobby that you picked up while staying in quarantine at home. Despite losing many things, there are some silver linings that we must identify, embrace and acknowledge to relieve the stress and believe in ourselves.

All is not lost, and it is only a matter of time before you emerge a happier person, albeit in different circumstances. Take beat care of yourself because you need o stay healthy to enjoy life once again.
