As per Australian, Brian Freeman, with the busy lifestyle that most people are experiencing, meal prepping sounds ideal, as all the meals only require reheating and are adequately portioned to your body’s needs.
What is Meal Prepping?
Meal prep is simply a combination of cooking and packaging all of the food into individual, portion-sized containers, ready to be consumed whenever needed.
Why Meal Prep?
In case you are wondering, why meal prep? It saves you an abundance of time during the week. Meal prepping also reduces your choices of unhealthy foods, keeping your body cleansed and healthy with the cleaner food choice that you have prepared during the weekend.
Top 7 Master Secrets to Meal Prepping – Brian Freeman
1. Keep a positive mindset
Keep in mind that meal prepping does not equate to depriving your body of delicious food and restricting your nutrients intake. Look at it as a way to introduce a cleaner source of food into your body, a way to take better care of yourself and an encouragement to eat 3 meals, plus snacks a day. By meal prepping, you are blessing your body with a complete combination of quality nutrients: such as good fat, protein, carbs and carbohydrates. Such a practice is necessary for you to feel the strongest and most productive.
2. Include Omega-3
Hormone production, brain function, heart health, cell protection and transporting of oxygen throughout the body, all of which require Omega-3 fatty acid to function in its best state. One of the signs that your body is lacking Omega-3 is dry, irritated skin and lack of vibrance. To boost your level of Omega -3 intake, make sure foods like salmon, hemp seeds, lentils and walnuts are included in your weekly meal prep. ¼ cup of walnut provides you with your daily recommended intake of plant-based omega – 3 ALA (2.5 grams/ounce).
3. Avoid skipping lunch
Lunch is the meal to fuel your body through the day. After a few hours of breakfast, your body needs food to re-energize and prevent the sugar level from dropping. Trying to skip lunch could cause the metabolism level to drop quite significantly. Nutrients are necessary for your brain, hormones and nervous system to function properly.
4. Look at fitness a different way
Healthy living, nutrition and fitness should be viewed as a lifestyle instead of something to pick up temporarily. Looking at it that way allows you to have a bite of chocolate every now and then without the lingering “guilt”. You should never feel guilty for listening to your own body. Adopting this lifestyle is challenging, and taking sugar away from your needs is not only unnecessarily difficult but also demotivating you from “living healthily.”
5. Make a grocery shopping list every week
The habit of making weekly grocery lists could really prevent you from overindulging and buying too much. It saves you from cleaning out expired items in the fridge and also helps to keep to a budget. As mentioned, meal prepping is all about the reduction of choices, therefore, buying more than your list when grocery shopping is not quite the objective.
6. Eat nutritiously before grocery shopping
Have a delicious, nutritious meal before your weekly grocery trips to prevent impulsive buys. It could be your low blood sugar or food cravings that reach out for that food.
7. Drink water
Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water on a daily basis. The best adventurers, Australia’s Brian Freeman suggests, for proper digestion, fat burning, blood flow, energy production, brain function and the synovial fluids in your joints to function properly, an adequate amount of water is vital.