It is clear to understand why Celeste Hilling is a mover and shaker.
SheMeets Radio: Authentically Leading With Celeste Hilling – Colombre –
It is clear to understand why Celeste Hilling is a mover and shaker, and our Featured Fempreneur of the month. Her…
Her authenticity is clear with every word that she shares with me, and I quickly realize, that what I thought may be a 20 to 25 minute call will probably go on a little longer, but I also know that I am more than okay with that.
The Woman Behind The Brand
Celeste Hilling is a mother, and like many moms who have overcome the challenges that arise as we work to build our empires, she juggles many responsibilities. But she is not just a mother to her 16-year-old daughter, but a mother to her team.
A team largely composed of women, many of whom are young mothers, most of her female employees are women with aesthetics licensing. Many of these women may not have been able to use their degrees after choosing to have families, but are taking full advantage of their licenses with this unique approach to skin care.
How often do we forget the importance of working to improve our communities, noticing a clear need and taking action? When it comes to business, the saying, you reap what you sow, truly does apply!
Thirty percent of the Skin Authority budget goes into supporting local organizations, and it pays off for the brand. Many of their clients choose to work with Skin Authority, because of the work that they do within the community.
Look Good Feel Better: Cancer is a devourer, and it does just that, to each and every single one of its victims. For many of these patients, the detrimental effects that cancer has on their appearance takes an emotional toll and makes it difficult for them to feel good, even as they continue to improve. Look Good Feel Better provides services that help cancer survivors look as great as they feel.
United Cerebral Palsy: Did you know that nothing affects our youth more than Cerebral Palsy?
UCP educates, advocates and provides support services to ensure a life without limits for people with a spectrum of disabilities. UCP works to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities through an affiliate network that has helped millions.
Think Tank Innovative For Children: Over 35,000 children have been through this SAN DIEGO-BASED program that provides free art programs and helps with homework for underprivileged and homeless kids.
Vitamin D: Celeste Hilling is a passion warrior in the Vitamin D movement and helped to educate me about the importance of speaking up about Vitamin D deficiency, especially among mothers, and African American women.
Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic, with over one billion people worldwide suffering from this deficiency, and the more color in your skin the less able you are to make Vitamin D. The reality is that the pigment affects you ability to create the hormone, (yes, Vitamin D is a hormone ladies) and like all hormones, if you are depleted early you run the risk of suffering from depression.
This Passion Warrior is an inspiration for myself and our growing team, we are excited to feature Celeste as our Featured Fempreneur of the month, and My Skin Authority as the #AppMyLife app of the month.
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