Utilizing the internet in today’s age, especially as a business owner, is vital to future success that your business will experience. But, where do you start when you don’t quite know what to do? This article is from an interview with Romeo Lassiter and Becket Fusik, the founders of a consulting company in Raleigh, NC, who have found an answer to that ongoing question.
Where did the idea of Avail come from?
The idea for Avail was conceived about a year and a half ago after coming together from our separate ventures in Website Design and E-Commerce. What we both noticed through those ventures was 2 major things. First, that there was a major shift happening in advertising and marketing and attention online was very underpriced. Secondly, it seemed that every marketing company/agency/firm capitalizing on that shift, were charging astronomical prices on services that we saw as basic needs and necessities for businesses in 2019.
What those two things told us, in a HUGE flashing sign kind-of-way, was that there was LOTS of opportunity and someone needed to grab it. So, we decided to act. We then established the mission behind our company; Help businesses and brands, both established and new, understand and utilize the endless opportunities available to grow their business(es) on the internet.

What would you say it is that sets Avail apart from the many other agencies out there doing similar work?
Quite a few things, actually. First, Avail is unique in the sense that we are a consulting firm that offers many done-for-you services. We teach our clients how to fully utilize the power of social media and online marketing, how to create loyal customers, and how to brand and expand their business, all while providing services to grow their business and gain omni-presence.
Next, we have positioned ourselves in a place where we can help ANYONE grow their business. Having worked with clients and partners in 30+ different industries, it has allowed us to test and try a countless number of services and strategies. Through those trials, we have developed an array of services that will work with virtually anyone’s budget and have proven to be able to help any business, brand, or person grow digitally.
Lastly, and arguably the most important difference is that we work very diligently to keep WHY and WHO we are working so hard for, front and center. Ultimately, Avail was created to build long-term partnerships with our clients, expose their brands across the web, and keep them surpassing their competitors through superior branding and marketing.
It is important to us that we constantly provide more and more value, and we believe we do that by consistently strengthening the company’s integrity, gaining and keeping the trust of our clients, and ensuring that we treat their business’s success like we would our own.
What has Avail accomplished thus far?
In the year and a half of our existence, we are very happy to have created a company that has worked in such a vast amount of industries, has helped multiple brands grow to 8 figures, and has helped so many small businesses expand in ways that they have never experienced before. But what excites us even more is a side effect that we never really expected.
A countless number of our clients have come to us after gaining access to this knowledge and these incredible tools and told us we have helped them find the burning desire and passion towards their business that they felt when they first started. In our eyes that is biggest success that we could possibly ever accomplish. We believe we have been able to accomplish so much in a relatively short amount of time because even through all of the success, we have never strayed from our three core values: integrity, persistence, and synergy.

What is the vision for Avail moving forward?
We plan to be around for a very long time so there is quite a lot we hope to accomplish but beyond specifics and to put it simply, our vision is to empower and inspire not just business owners, but as many people as we can by staying true to our values and leading by example. But on the near horizon expect to start seeing Avail everywhere.
From being involved in the community and giving back to the people that have allowed us to reach this point, to beautiful Avail ambassadors, apparel, merchandise, we are becoming much more than just another marketing or consulting company. We think of Avail, which means, “To help or benefit others,” as a movement and a lifestyle, rather than just a company.
What are your top five pieces of advice as it pertains to your industry?
We love this question!
1. Attack your market and customer base from as many angles/platforms possible. It’s important to diversify any and all ways you can.
2. Consistently release content every single day on all social platforms. The more you post and post consistently, the more eyes that will fall on your business/brand.
3. Test, Fail, learn, and then re-evaluate a new strategy.
4. Stay authentic to you, while ensuring that you maintain open-mindedness.
5. Always, always, always provide value first!!
Which would be the best way for people to contact you if they are interested in learning more about or partnering with Avail?
We encourage people to go to our website at www.avail-consultants.com, where they can book a time slot for a call with one of our consultants!