Now when it comes to money I have form in this arena. With 15 odd years in the financial services industry, 40 odd years experience in life and many many good and bad money experiences I can say with absolute conviction that money has never and will never complete anyone, make them happy or solve a problem. It will put a plaster/band aid on any of these, it won’t fix a thing. It will facilitate much, yet it can’t and won’t ever make you happy. It can give you a sense of security, yet that can be gone in an instant.
It’s Taboo…
What about you, how open are you about money? I know we can all recall the saying we were taught as a kid and now possibly do hear the language we use around money. For many people both are pretty negative, yet as it’s the subject we don’t like to discuss it’s hard to know people’s true feelings about it.
Due to my immense positive and negative learning about money I am happy to openly talk about it. I have had so much happen, I have felt shame, guilt, fear, as well as joy, happiness and acceptance about it. What I do know is that 100% of the time when my clients come to me and say money is not a issue it always is! When we learn that is is purely energy and we show respect, we forgive what has happened, it all changes.
In this new age are we here to experience a new era of money?
I grew up in an era where the media has grown rapidly Facebook and Insta weren’t even a pipe dream when I was a kid and tapes were what we knew. Yet today life is so very different and offers a huge opportunity to be more open about money. It is one of the most searched terms on our good old friend google, again I find more often than not when I dig into this that people are chasing a dream that they really have never thought through clearly and all down to them thinking they will be happy when they have more of it than they do!
So what’s your money story?
I do an exercise with my clients that takes them on a money journey, we go back to the beginning and go throughout their life talking about life events, memories and how they relate to money. It’s pretty powerful and it’s like the gift that keeps on giving. Once you open the flood gates so much become clear and the continuation work we do helps them to break through the emotions and move to a place of surrender and calm.
Right now if money is not something you love unconditionally then there is something to work on and move through. Sitting down and asking you the question “How has money made me feel?” can really help you to start to unlock. There is nothing dirty about exploring this as many think, it’s a process that will help you to own your life and everything about it. If you desire true happiness, you can have it now and build it to be magical as you grow with it.
The steps are simple if you follow them…
To change up, you and money here are some super simple steps to follow. What is the most powerful part of this is actually taking action and doing them. I bet you everything you have that if you are not 100% happy with you and your money right now then you have either, 1. Never done these things, 2. Done them in a half assed way, 3. Only completed some, 4. Said this shit doesn’t work and stayed in pain. The fact is all of these are right, it’s all about timing and it happens when it is supposed to. Here are steps, do with it what you will:
- Get freaking real! Actually admit good, bad and indifferent where you are at with money and own it. It may seem scary, yet it is only temporary as everything in life is only temporary and it can change in an instant.
- Write a letter to money telling it how you really feel. How it has helped you, how it has always shown up, maybe not always the way you would have really liked but it did. How it has helped you gain perspective on life and in life. Write how it has pissed you off, yet how in all of it you are truly grateful. All of this may seem random, alien and not worth it, yet when you get the real energy around money moving, you will see huge shifts. The key here is if you feel ungrateful, that’s where to start. Like anything if you want respect you got to give it and gratitude is the same, whatever the thing is.
- Get the digits inline. What is the real black and white picture. Get real on where you are at by detailing where you are right now and then you know the truth. Then you can work on a plan to start making the changes to it looking the way you choose, not the default you have created that is in front of you right now.
- Forgive that mother beeep. Forgiveness is so very underrated when it comes to money and unless you forgive what has been, you will always be putting a damper on what is now and what is coming.
- A simple yet very profound one……DECIDE, decide what you want it to look like. You know the biggest barrier for so many people is they have no clue what they actually want. They get stuck in comparison of others who have what they think they want, yet have never actually made the time to really dig into their own vision. When you do this it is a big surprise what you find. Hint, many people do not want to come even close to being a millionaire they have just been conditioned and brainwashed into thinking that is what they want! It all comes down ultimately to one thing. You came here to be you, create your own version of that and happy days. Life is what you make it, not what you compared it to.
So is it really as simple as that you ask? Well, yes it can be. There are a few more bits to add to the puzzle, yet it can be as simple as you make it. Complexity is where the real deal gets lost, simplicity is what we all came here to BE.
A final note ~ the same old story!
Answer me this though, why is it when we see marketing around money and having more, it’s always about selling, quite frankly an unrealistic dream of 50k to this, 20k to that, make money and all your problems will be solved, become an overnight millionaire yada yada yada. What a load of total BS. I know many, many 20 year overnight success, everyone I know that came into big money unexpectedly or quickly, every single one, has lost it and ended up broke! Why, money fixes nada, you digging deep dealing with your shizzle and moving on fixes much more. I have given you the start above, now you need to make the time and create the action, change the behaviour and become the new version now, not when XYZ happens!
Do yourself a favour, be honest and fix the issues, they will always come and bite you on the ass if you don’t, I am living proof of that. Be happy because you are you and not because of your bank balance. At the end of the day, we all know we end up in the same place and money never goes with you does it.
Big Smiles