Take some slow, deep breaths, and relax into yourself as far as you can go. Sense your thoughts being felt by your body while you breathe. Stay open and be in “witness mind-set.”
The witness mind is open to everything and can’t fail, because you’re just being an observer, without judging or labeling the experience.
What is your present “comfort zone”? How far can you expand this zone before you self-sabotage and become a victim of the lower self? Self-doubt is the gateway to FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).
Emotions have an effect on every cell in the body. Feelings are part of our emotional intelligence. If you’re going to expand your comfort zone in your life, you must expand your feeling world also. The more you can feel it, the more you can heal it and transform something old into something new.
Everyone’s comfort zone is different, but basically the same. Everyone’s brain power is different, but basically the same. We are all slightly different, but we all have the same heart. Everyone has an innate ability to grow. This growth takes place first internally as we choose to feel something and stay with our thoughts longer than we did in the past. When we choose to expand our comfort zone, we must feel more feeling — and for a longer time — than we did last time.
You must also be open to change and bring yourself back into balance on every level after you expand your comfort zone. When you say to yourself, “I know what this is,” your comfort zone stops growing. When the universe hears us say “we know” something, it stops downloading the information. It doesn’t interfere with our free will. So, when you say you know something to the universe, the universe stops expanding your comfort zone. Stay open as an observer of all the thoughts and feelings you’re aware of for longer periods of time, even if it’s just for one more breath. This automatically expands your comfort zone the next time this moves through your awareness.
I have a love/hate relationship with expanding my comfort zone. My work is keeping it as healthy as possible as I move through my life being a witness to what’s coming up for me. What’s coming up is my teacher. When it’s contracting my comfort zone, I choose to become the human BE’ing instead of the human performing subconscious behavior that may not be supporting my truest sense of self.

From BodyMindBusiness: The Business Of BE’ing Within pg. 28-30, by Ed Harrold, 2020, Go BE Great Inc.. Copyright 2020 by Go BE Great Inc.. Reprinted with permission.
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