It is always bittersweet at the end of August and early September. Summer is so much fun, with all of its interesting trips and outings, and a much-welcomed break from the usual activities. So, going back to the everyday routine at the end of it can be something that we dread. I know that I never look forward to it. Still, at the same time, it’s also nice to get back into our regular schedule where the routine is a little less negotiable and we return to the things we used to do.

There is a transition with it, though. I’m in the midst of my first week back, and I have been having difficulty adjusting. Although not a big change, I’ve had to wake up an hour earlier than I did during my summer schedule and find myself drained as a result. There’s also trying to get others on our team (home or otherwise) back on schedule too. This can also be quite challenging.

Here are a few things that have worked for me and should work for you as well:

  1. Shift your sleep. This seems like a no-brainer but can often be more difficult than it seems. I’ve had to move everything that I was doing at night to earlier time slots to ensure that I go to bed earlier in order to wake up on time in the mornings. Sleep is the most important thing for us so ensuring that we are getting enough is the biggest part of the new schedule.
  2. Start eating healthily again. If your summer was anything like mine, you may have deviated from your regular diet. I had a lot of road trips and travel which led to some non-typical dietary choices for me. It was probably similar to you. Therefore, it’s critical to fix your diet again, and get back to meal prep and planning so that you can eat healthier during your busy week.
  3. Figure out your new schedule. With everything that you’ve got going on now, you are going to have to shift a few things around to ensure that it is all getting done. This was something that I was originally resistant to for certain things, but even a minor change can make you feel like you have a much more accommodating schedule.
  4. Remember to have fun. It’s counterintuitive because we have so much to do, but continuing to have fun is even more necessary so that we will experience less of a loss related to the good times we had over the summer. Therefore, keep planning interesting events and outings so that you make that joy last through the remainder of the year.
  5. Look on the bright side. Moving into a new season ushers in new opportunities both personally and professionally. You are taking a step closer to where you are meant to be. Lean into that and all of the new possibilities. A plethora of positive things could be waiting for you around the next corner.

As you transition into the Fall, remember to have fun, fix your schedule, and embrace new chances and occasions for fun. In this way, you will finish the year on a positive note!