Let me remind you, you are a powerful source filled with energy. Everything you have accomplished in your life has been achieved because of your energy levels influencing and pushing you. I’ve found it to be extremely beneficial to keep your energy levels balanced and uplifted to keep helping you excel. You have the power to let your energy bring out positivity or negativity. It’s the difference between setting out to achieve and holding yourself back. Understanding how to exert your energy to the benefit of you and your surroundings is crucial. The state of your energy levels can contribute to successfully pitching a business idea, leading a team, or executing a project to the best of your ability.
Have you ever been to a conference or event of some type and the speaker was extremely monotone and you couldn’t help but start thinking about what to order for lunch? On the flipside- how about attending an event or meeting that left you feeling uplifted, motivated, and ready to contribute? A big factor of what sets these two types of experiences apart is energy! High energy has the ability to influence, lead, and execute in the best way possible. If you value positive leadership, having a healthy connection to your energy levels is important. Your energy can greatly influence those around you. Energy is contagious.
When working on different things throughout your life- whether it be getting into shape physically, working on a new business endeavor, or completing tasks in an office setting- your energy has the power to help you accomplish things or delay you from getting to where you desire to be. When you choose to let your energy empower and help you, you will find yourself achieving whatever it is you have set out to do. Getting excited about the work you are doing in your life makes you feel good, and people who feel good about the work they do out perform those who lack an excitement.
So how does one work on using their energy levels to their benefit? Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine has numerous benefits that lead to increased productivity and inner balance. Meditation is one tool that produces great results. Setting aside even as little as ten minutes to clear your mind will allow you to release any worry or tension. Meditation allows you to tune out distraction and refocus on your goals and what’s important. There are also guided meditations that focus on specific areas such as gratitude, manifestation, or anxiety. Use meditation to get more balanced and you will come out of it with a better focus, working mindset, and more inner happiness.
Incorporating other wellness techniques into your day will lead to increased energy and productivity. Taking the time to exercise will release any stress and built up cortisol and in turn enhance your mood. Exercising also increases your endorphin levels and is great for your cardiovascular health. Physical and mental focus along with productivity are all impacted after a good workout. Along with exercising, maintaining a well balanced diet contributes significantly to your energy levels. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all great things to include in your daily eating schedule. White bread, pasta, foods with added sugars, fried and fast foods are a few things to avoid when trying to be productive. These foods tend to lower energy levels and lead to fatigue.
Your energy levels are extremely important as you go about living your life. Being conscious of how to keep them balanced and understanding how to incorporate activities that support your energy into your routine can significantly influence your productivity. Refocusing and getting centered with meditation will allow you to gain more clarity. Incorporating exercising into your routine will help you release any tension and allow you to continue on with a greater ambition. Eating healthier will be feeding your organs and keeping you functioning to the best of your ability. All of these aspects will work together to keep you performing at your highest levels while still allowing you to feel that inner peace and happiness. Let your energy be a driving force in your life that allows you to connect with others, achieve the unthinkable, and continue to be a light in the world.
Originally published at marlenerjennings.com