Going to college is a valuable experience, you make connections, learn new things, and discover the path you want to take in life. However, more and more students are choosing to forgoes the traditional partying and focus on building their own brands. College is evolving and the way we balance our responsibilities should to. The main issues at hand with the welfare of students in startups include.
Getting Rest
First and foremost getting enough rest is important to any successful venture in life. Rest isn’t limited to sleep either, relaxing, meditating, and socializing are just some of the examples of rest. Find whatever calms you and make sure you get enough of it, don’t let work get in the way of that. You can incorporate this into your startup as a team building exercise, have meditation sessions for your team to relax your entire group. A win-win for your mental well being and your startup.
Homework or Work?
Building a startup is undeniably time consuming, and in the ideal world we would have enough time for it while also finishing our homework on time every day. While this can be the case, there may be situation where there is a confliction. In this case you have to ask your self if the task at hand is worth missing a homework assignment or turning it in late. Always remember to consider the long run, how will not reaching this deadline affect me in a month, a year, a decade? Understanding these implications can reduce your stress and help you rationalize your situation.
There is always a back up plan in life even if you may not realize it yet, so stay level headed, happy and make your startup dreams a reality.