The rollback of laws by the current administration which were implemented to protect you, has initiated from within me this love letter to and for you. Like you, we were all born by parents and given a name, gender, religion and land. Like you, life’s events, circumstances and the exchange of our relationships helped us to grow up. Like you, growing up is a process and as we begin to identify what inevitably is a truth for a particular time, we find ourselves making hard choices to live that truth. Like you, we bump into crossroads that turn our heads around until we find the courage to just choose the one that best fits our current truth. My dear brothers and sister who the world calls transgender, you are just like us — SOULS. Every single one of us is a soul, brought here to play out a part and then we move on to play another. Like you, we all know intrinsically that to hate, judge, separate, or erase anyone’s good deeds because of ignorance or jealousy is small and is a sign of low self-worth.
It’s important you own your self-worth. Once we all come to realize our self-worth, we grow into owning that and no one or nothing will allow us to forget one of the most powerful forces we have is to own our worth and live it. We are all children of God, each one of us carrying inherited parts to play. Remember that. And, we must do so with dignity and grace, no matter what. You and I are all souls, children of the Supreme, — and when the greed can no longer serve the emptiness in souls; when the hate can no longer flare it’s flame; when the fear can no longer disguise itself as in charge; then there will be love. — Love is on its way.
Love and respect,
Ps. Thanks to my friend #IndiaArie for this amazing track!
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