BE GENTLE ON YOURSELF. love every part of who you are the beautiful, the ugly, the sacred and the mundane; those parts you are proud of and those you are ashamed of
there is nothing you have done that has not already been forgiven. you are loved more than you could ever imagine, bask in that love, live in that love, practice that love on yourself and all the walls that surround you will come tumbling down and you will see how absolutely beautiful you are.
share your beauty with me for i see it in you and i am just waiting for you to let down the walls you no longer need and show yourself to me. #TheMosaic #WeAreAllConnected #NothingIsAsItSeems #BeKind2U
to purchase The Mosaic, please go to or search for it on amazon.
photo taken by Margit Boyesen to contact Margit: [email protected]