Being playful when confronted with chaos gives a powerful big picture perspective. Play is when we allow ourselves to relax our mind and tune-in to the moment. Being in the groove of a game is the natural way to think with your senses and sync with change. Sensing continuity and flow is how good timing happens.
Noticing what we sense connects us with each other and ourselves. Sensual intuitive thinking is the playful way we share, learn and think. It’s how we find the magic.
Video games often mirror Life’s chaos. ‘Candy Crush’ is all about being in the right place at the right time. It’s about thinking ahead, noticing incoming options and positioning. These important skills guarantee a better quality of life.
Thinking ahead is called foresight. Noticing options and positioning is being curious. Good timing is intuitive thinking. Play more; stress less.Thinking with your senses and feeling with your mind brings a balanced perspective. Foresight and curiosity are your intuitive tools. Solutions for new and old problems are in front of your eyes.
Noticing what you sense keeps your mind open to change; so that answers, challenges and opportunities appear. Sensing the moment is a natural reality check that maintains inner balance. Sensing your next move is the intuitive edge.
Sensing stimulates natural creativity that connects with natural courage that is a response to change. Intuition drives you to be your highest potential. The reason for a gut feeling or intuitive nudge is to guide you to notice more.
Games are about spirit – team spirit, the spirit to win. The spirit to enjoy life has nothing to do with any religion. Spirit is another word for passion. Passion is the intuitive connection with heart and play. It’s exciting and comes through each of us. Notice what you’re sensing and you will be amazed as creative solutions appear.
When playing with a new phone or new game to figure out the bells and whistles, you are a noticing what you sense. The best game players in every sport react in the moment by observing and responding – not by “thinking”.
Sensual thinking brings liberating awareness of values, opportunities and obligations. With a flexible, playful attitude, your mind is free. The completion of desires, needs and dreams is intuitive. Playing is not about competition. It’s about enjoying the spontaneous quality of who you are. Be playful. Sense the excitement. Have fun. Free your mind to sync with dreams and you will achieve them.
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