Most of us grew up being told to think of others first, be considerate of others, respect others, be kind to others. But what about the most important person in your life? How do you treat them? Who is the most important person in your life? Your partner, your children, your parents? No, it’s you! You are the most important person in your life! Your life revolves around you.

How often are you unkind or disrespectful to yourself? Would you treat others that way? If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you be of help to anyone else? By being selfish, I don’t mean that you need to neglect your kids, relationships, and responsibilities, but you are number one. By being the best you, it makes all those relationships better; and by being you, the true you, maybe a few relationships will fall away, but that leaves room for all those great relationships and more to show up for you.

Why do we drain ourselves, doing what others think and say that we ‘should’ do? Who are they to decide what’s best for you? As a capable adult, you are the only one that knows what’s best for you. Choose to take care of you, choose to help others, do both with joy, because you want to and it makes you happy, not because you should do it. How much time in a day do you spend 100% focused on your own personal well being? Stop, even for 10 mindful minutes a day, and ask yourself, What do I want? What do I need? What does my body need? Listen to that quiet gentle little voice from within, what is it asking for?

Take care of you first, prioritize you. Why wait until stress drags you down and burnout hits, or your body starts screaming at you, ‘I need attention too!‘, or your health plummets and you get that medical crisis notice from your doctor. Don’t wait for that wake-up call, don’t wait until your life feels like it’s crumbling around you. What’s the point of that? Who does that help? No one. So what are you going to do? Who is number one in your life? Go now! Take care of you, be kind to you. Be Selfish!

10 Selfish moments:

Breathe, Breathe, Breathe

Take a walk in nature



Do nothing

Say no. No explanation needed. Just say, No.

Ask for help, delegate.

Nourish your body with healthy food

Love yourself

Dream Bigger


  • Johanna

    Light up Your Inner Spark

    Johanna is an intuitive life coach, and seeker of all things mystical and magical.