How do you respond when others hold the door open for you? Do you say thanks? Do you nod your appreciation? Do you walk through without a word?
How do you treat others — a server at a restaurant, a cashier at a grocery store, a bus driver? Are you polite? Are you kind? Are you respectful?
How do you respond when passing your neighbor on the street? Do you say good morning? Do you smile or nod? Do you avoid eye contact?
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” — Aesop
How do you respond to others in distress? Do you extend a hand? Do you share words of comfort or offer assistance? Do you keep your head down and keep walking?
How do you speak while in public? Do you adjust your tone and choice of words? Do you swear or use language others might find offensive?
How do you dispose of garbage? A cigarette butt? Do you toss it in a nearby garbage can? Do you throw it on the ground or in the gutter?
“Consideration for others is the basic of a good life, a good society.” — Confucius
Be considerate.
Be kind. To yourself, to others.
Be aware.
Be what you want to see.
Originally published at