Are you one of the millions of Americans who find themselves with a case of the blues when winter rolls around? You’re not alone! The darker, shorter days can bring our mood down and make it harder to stay in a positive, productive mindset. We’re bringing you a great way to shake those winter blues today – using fashion!
Updating your style or trying something new can help increase confidence, put a pep in your step, and overall elevate your mood! And updating your style doesn’t have to mean spending money …what about all those clothing items that have been left untouched in the back of your closet since March?
Try picking one piece of clothing you haven’t worn in ages and re-introducing it into your wardrobe to jazz things up and bring an element of newness to your style! You’ll have fun just creating an outfit around it and exercising your creative muscles, and creativity releases endorphins that improve our mood and help us feel better. Just because our lives have changed drastically, doesn’t mean we can’t still rock our favorite fashion!
Putting our best effort into activities that make us feel good is so important in the winter months when so many of us experience seasonal blues. Fashion might not seem like an obvious way to boost our low mood, but it’s a great way and one that starts right at home and can make a big impact when it comes to pulling us out of that negative space winter can leave us in!
So dust off one of your favorite pieces, get creative, and find yourself smiling along the way!