Giving back is beautiful from within. It’s a priceless feeling, that no amount of money can buy. It’s not that kind of beauty that one can masquerade with makeup or correct by going under the knife. People are usually more charitable during the holidays, because it makes them feel beautiful about themselves. Now that it’s two months into the year, it’s a good time to think about giving to loved ones more often, or donate to the needy and sick on a monthly or quarterly basis. For example, donate clothing you no longer wear to the Salvation Army, give gently used toys to needy families, buy from or join a charitable organization. Even better — donations are tax deductible and it’s never too late to give!

Don’t be shy about asking your employer if they participate in a Matching Gift program. Many organizations, especially large companies such as wall street firms that many people may think are “greedy,” actually crave love and encourage employees to give by matching their gifts dollar for dollar — some will even double or triple their employees’ gifts! It’s never too late to submit matching gift requests, because these companies grant matched gifts through the end of the year with an extended grace period through March 31 (some even allow within one year of the donation date).

Giving to and helping others who are less fortunate are acts of kindness that’s invaluable. Believe or not, even the vain and beauty obsessed can help others in need too! For example — Cosmetic Executive Women, Inc. (CEW), has more than 8,000 global members from over 2,250 companies in the beauty industries. Its members love beauty, skincare, fragrances — anything and everything pretty. It’s charitable foundation supports Cancer and Careers, which helps survivors Be the Boss Over Cancer and helps them balance both work and cancer.

Photo courtesy of Cancer and Careers

Recently, CEW Foundation’s Beauty of Giving luncheon honored the world famous makeup entrepreneur, Laura Geller. She is inspirational, because even though she did not attend college — she began her career as a makeup artist working on Broadway and was able to create her own beauty line which launched on QVC over 20 years ago. Ms. Geller is now the proud founder of a $100 Million company! What’s amazing about Ms. Geller is she continues to work hard even though she can retire any time, and she is still able to find time out of her incredibly busy schedule to help those with cancer.

Ms. Geller’s company donated more than $500,000 to date, and also donated $600,000 worth of products to the CEW & QVC Present: ‘Beauty with Benefitsbroadcasts, where Laura’s on air presence has helped raise millions for working people with cancer. Other leading names in the beauty world also donate beauty products, in which 80% of the purchase price support Cancer and Careers.

Making a Difference Together. Photo courtesy of ‘Beauty with Benefits’

Who knew that ‘beauty with benefits’ can be such a good thing!

For more information, visit here.

Originally published at on February 22, 2017.

Originally published at


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