I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a remarkable gentleman, Adam Farfan. He’s the owner of Elite Hathaway, a financial coaching company with the mission to make financial education accessible for everyday people and to give them options that used to only be available to the ultra wealthy. He’s truly got a heart for people.

He created his business when he saw how one-sided financial transactions could be with unsuspecting clients. He wanted a place that people could get educated, feel safe and could make their own educated choices.

Everything we talked about always led back to people. He so fully wants people to be the most that they can be and have the most they are meant to have. He’s risen up to grab success himself with multiple multi-million dollar businesses and he said something that hit me right between the eyes, “Being a soul-searcher doesn’t make you money.”

In his wisdom, Adam shared that complaining is your not doing anything to change where you are right now. There’s so much more that you could be doing at this moment. You cannot procrastinate and be a soul-searcher forever because you can’t afford to go nowhere in your life.

So you need to find things you’re passionate about and figure out how to capitalize on it. But don’t this casually. “When you do things casually, you become a casualty in life,” says Adam.

Ask yourself: Has the way I’ve been thinking and doing things gotten me to where I want to be in life? If not, change it.

One way is to work on your mental strength every day and listen to people whom you want to be like. Then ask what they would do if they were in your situation. Would they be wasting time or wandering around soul-searching?

Adam also shared his 4 non-negotiables to being successful (and stop being just a soul-searcher):

1) Coachability — If someone who knows what they’re doing tells you to do something, do it until it’s done.

2) Desire — You will have frustrations along the way. If you have a desire that’s huge, you can plow through regardless of what is thrown at you. You won’t give up if you’re connected to your desires.

3) Attitude — You can’t complain about stuff and win.

4) Environment — You’re a byproduct of your environment. Know who to listen to and take advice from. Know who to keep out of your circle. For each person who comes into your life, categorize their role in your life.

Adam ended with, “Everything is a daily choice. I have my goals, with a date, in my pocket and I read it twice a day. Remember that how you do anything is how you do everything.”

I think that the world needs more entrepreneurs like Adam. When you create a business based on passion and caring, the world is a better place, plus you get to do what you love and stop the wandering soul-searching that isn’t getting you anywhere. I know that Adam is on a mission to find more entrepreneurs like him. Could that be you?

Originally published at medium.com