I also drink the same brand of coffee every morning.

I brewed a pot of coffee this morning. I do this every morning.


Why do I always buy the same coffee? Why do I look for this brand when traveling for work? Why do I often pack some for personal trips? Is it the best coffee? Probably not. Is it the least expensive? Definitely not.

For me the answer is because in some circumstances I prefer certainty. While I continually seek out new sights, sounds, and tastes — there are also many situations where I look for certainty — certainty in comfort, certainty in enjoyment. My morning coffee is one of those.

So how did this brand of coffee convert me to being a loyal customer? By providing a consistent experience. Regardless of whether at home — or traveling for work or pleasure — the coffee is readily available and always delivers as expected.

I like that.

Consistency is important.

But what does it mean to be ‘consistent’? By definition it means to be marked by harmony, or regularity — free from variation or contradiction. While consistency is important for businesses — and the services they provide — it’s equally important for individuals. Consistency enables us to establish and maintain our own personal brands — such as being viewed as hard working, trustworthy, and/or having integrity.

“Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative” — Oscar Wilde

Consistency needn’t mean that one lacks creativity or imagination, nor should it mean that everything has to stay the same — or that we remain stagnant. We can be consistently curious — continuously exploring, growing, developing, and learning.

Being consistent does require alignment — between our words, actions, and intentions.

Consistency doesn’t mean that we need to remain fixed in our opinions, views, and perspectives. We can be consistently questioning our existing perceptions and beliefs, while being open and willing to consider new ideas.

Consistency applies to what we do, but also how we do it.

Consistency is key.