The current situation of a worldwide epidemic COVID-19 has proved humanity to rethink on its existence. Humans across the globe are sitting at home and still fighting this serious illness in every single way possible. It isn’t comfortable to sit at home and always be productive! Building proper mental health and physical health will help everyone to survive in this challenging phase. Finding things that keep you engaging, happy, and positive will give us much required strength and healthy life ahead.

Initial days were normal as we could pass the time binge watching Netflix series, eating, and relaxing. But, as the quarantine days are being extended, there is a big question mark – What to do? You might start behaving little crazy and go running inside the house. You have a choice to make – either sit at home and get bored or do something creative, productive and that which keeps you busy all day. While sitting at home I even realized that these unprecedented days have allowed us to look into ourselves, peep inside deeper and understand how people are around us, how the environment is, and how the world is changing. This phase shall pass too, times will change and our world will be a better place to live.

This lock down phase has taught me few lessons:

1. Being kind: No matter what, be kind towards people and innocent animals. Everybody is going through hard times and being kind will allow us to stay grounded and understand each other closely. Kindness is free and it comes wired within us. We need not have any course to be kind. No one can teach it. You don’t expect anything in return when you offer kindness. It’s natural thing that comes through your inner self. Desmond Tutu rightly said, Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

I personally gave holidays to my house helper and asked her to stay indoors and stay safe. I gave her some extra money to bring necessary groceries and things that will help them to survive in these times.

2. Social Distancing doesn’t mean social detaching – Although we all need to maintain social distancing but we don’t need to detach ourselves from the world. Staying in-touch with our friends, family, and loved ones will keep us motivated and help us stay positive. Do as much as you can sitting at through online mediums like posting positive messages, sharing some motivational videos or images.

3. Share and Care – Since childhood we have learned to share our things with others. And, now is the situation where we should care and share whatever we have and however we can. Share anything – Positive vibes, Food, groceries, some donations, medicines, physical help. Anything that you can share from your end.

4. Be Compassionate – The reason we are living the freedom and leading a happy life today is because there were people like Mother Teresa, some hundreds of soldiers and some extraordinary individuals who risked their lives for us, to keep us protected and safe all through. In today’s crisis – the Doctors, Nurses, Helpers, volunteers are our Heroes who are working 24/7 to keep us alive, to keep us healthy, to keep the mankind safe. Dalai Lama once quoted, If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Compassion promotes well-being and you feel that love towards other person automatically.

5. Stay healthy – Lastly, it is important for you to stay fit and healthy because then only you can help others. Self-care and well-being is must in these crucial times. Staying indoors, practicing meditation, some exercises will help you fight with negativity, tiredness and dullness that would come staying at home.

The epidemic shall end but your kindness will stay. Help as much as you can, Love as much you can Live as much as you can today, because there is no tomorrow to be kind, to be compassionate and to be generous towards others.