We all have a little voice in our head who talks to us daily. Sometimes that voice just lets us know we’re hungry, but other times that voice is beating us up and tearing us down. The wonderful Ariana Huffington describes that voice as, “the obnoxious roommate living in our head”. She shows up at our when we are already down & out, making a bad situation even worse.

Being in between jobs, can be a uncertain point often causing you to question your skills, talents and abilities. You might feel as though you have nothing to offer anyone. This is the moment when you “obnoxious roommate” shows up and really stirs up trouble. She continues to knock you down even further.

When my “obnoxious roommate” showed up during one of my lowest moments, I immediately began to refocus my attention on kicking her out. I knew that she had no power over me unless I gave her the power. That meant, I needed to do quickly rush her out. By channeling my positive thoughts and saying a few personal mantras, she vacates the premises. I like to start by:

  1. Thinking happy thoughts 
  2. Reflecting on my good qualities
  3. Telling myself I can do anything I put my mind to

As your “obnoxious roommate” is never gone forever, it’s best to develop a move out plan to get her out as quickly as positive before allowing her to take up residence any longer than necessary.