Lately I’ve found myself frustrated by The Law of Attraction.

The Law states: what you think about, you bring about. Think about positive things and you’ll get positive results, and vice versa. Easy enough. As a born optimist, I can say my life has worked out pretty well. Thank you, Universe.

However, my frustration has come in the “practice” of this Law.

The more I become a conscientious student of The Law, the more I notice my thoughts (which is the idea).

However, the problem lies in that I question my thoughts. “Is that my intuition or just a random thought? Should I act on it or wait for a sign? Is that a sign or a coincidence?” And then my ego gets involved always wanting me to play small in order to stay safe; “It wasn’t a sign, it was a test.” So I ask for another sign then question it, wondering if I’m just trying to make something out of what isn’t there. ARG!!!

Start a daily meditation practice. Find things to be grateful for. Appreciation is the key. Feel as if you already have what you desire. I’ve tried it all, and they all work but I can’t seem to maintain the “high vibration”.

“I’m trying to trust”, I’ll say to myself then notice that that thought has an issue too. “Trying” to trust isn’t trusting at all.

Enlightenment-seeking is hard work. All I seem to do is open up more lessons to be learned while I increase the feeling that I’m not doing something right. No wonder I’ve been so tired lately.

Then today I had a realization (a.k.a. a sign).

When my kids were little, I loved encouraging their belief in Santa Claus.

My intention was not to have them believe in the “man” but rather to believe in the “magic”.

I would find myself getting caught up in the energy, my own childhood emotions quickly bubbling up and warming me because in fact, I had never entirely let them go. There was always a part of me that still believed.

In Santa Claus, I believed in something unseen.

I believed that if was a good person and if I really wanted something, I would get it.

I believed my wish was possible.

I trusted, without question, without trying, without skepticism.

Way back then, without knowing what it was called, I believed in The Law of Attraction. …The Law that sometimes comes wrapped as Santa.

Sadly, for most of us our belief in Santa Claus is gradually shamed out of us. We are made to feel stupid or wrong or too old to believe anymore.

Maybe that’s how we began to get off course.

The truth is, I do believe in Santa Claus. I always have. Because I believe in the magic that comes from believing.

I believe there are signs all around telling us if we’re on the right track or if we’ve veered off course. (By the way, there are no wrong tracks).

I believe there are no such things as coincidences. They are confirmations.

I believe we all have the power to create our realities.

And now I believe I can trust without question, because another word for trust is belief.

Tap into your childhood self, back when you believed in Santa Claus or something or someone else. Whether or not they came through for you, tap into the feeling you had before the result. While in that feeling, think about what you really want. Believe in the magic of possibility.

I Believe. Do you?

Originally published at