For-profit degrees are just as valuable as traditional degrees. Sadly, the stigma and negative press surrounding a few for-profit colleges damage the reputation for all. Luckily, this article will emphasize the positives that the negative stigmas drown out. Many adult learners thrive with a for-profit education for these reasons alone.
Traditional colleges use a tough admissions process to attract the best students because it’s a college first and it’s not for profit. The main target audience is high school seniors with a focus on GPA, ACT/SAT, essays, and extracurricular activities. Resumes and interviews are possible entrance requirements too. The selective process keeps a traditional university’s reputation sharp. For-profit colleges, meanwhile, use a lenient admissions process to attract the most students because it’s a business first. For-profits are lucrative to adult students who can’t get into traditional colleges or adults balancing work and family. Admissions focus on basic requirements, which most students can obtain.
Student Population
The thought of learning alongside college freshman is uncomfortable and intimidating to adults. This fear turns many adults away from traditional colleges. With for-profit colleges, adults can learn alongside other adults feeling the same pressure. The comforting and welcoming environment makes it easier for adults to concentrate on studies and less on fitting in.
Flexible schedules
While traditional colleges are rigid in the day, evening, weekend, and online courses, for-profit colleges are more flexible at the same times. With options aplenty, this is very attractive to working adults; it strikes a healthy balance between family and college. However, they do offer day classes for adults who can attend those classes on time.
Graduate Sooner
Graduate at a faster rate by choosing for-profit colleges. There are no 2-2.5 years of prerequisites to complete before venturing into the degree or electives to fill before graduation like traditional colleges. Adult learners jump into the major on the first day. Additionally, semesters are shorter and summer breaks are nonexistent. Add flexible schedules to the fray and graduation is within reach.
It’s too bad companies and the media view all for-profit colleges as a financial drainer undermining students just because a few colleges fit the narrative. Plenty of good for-profit colleges exist. To find them, students should research the school’s reputation along with online reviews from students who attended. Go further and investigate graduation rates, retention rates, and employment rates before applying.
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