…it all started three years ago, when I decided that it was time to give a different twist to my life. I was a tired burned out executive, struggling to find a daily purpose of working beside the daily routine of living, doing the usual activities without properly thinking what was I doing and why was I doing it. Not that I was unhappy, I had and have a great life, a lifetime lovely companion, two fantastic children an incredible career and a little dog . Many people would have loved to have my life! However I felt I could achieve more, in terms of different values sets or personal fulfillnes, I kept on thinking if this was it and if it was, was I really happy and fulfilled. Many of my most intimate friends were struggling even to understand my lack of appreciation for what I had. However, I embarked in the next steps of my life by redirecting my job, deciding where I wanted to live and make an impact and be happy with my new challenges. At the beginning it was extremely difficult, the changes were massive in terms of lifestyle and I was struggling to understand why was I doing all this, what was I really looking for. In the years I had put on extra weight which I did not want on me and I was also looking for ways to loose it and gain back my young body figure, all at once it was a lot to chew on, however I knew that it was going to be a long journey and nothing would happen if I did not try. One day, while talking to a friend she asked ” Have you ever tried Hot Yoga? it is great, you sweat it all out!!!! I was stunned by the discovery… I still ( and always will) remember my first class. I never thought I would make it …..the exercise, the breathing, the sweating, the lack of balance and flexibility, the meditation….. however I stayed in the class, I did not run away, my endurance capabilities emerged again and I sweat it all out.
After years of trying to figure out, how to regenerate myself , how to clean myself from with in, I did find my path, I did find the way that could work for me. I started to attend 2 or 3 times a week regularly, the more I went the more I would concentrate on a different aspect of the Yoga practice. Bikram Yoga is exercised in a hot room at 42 centigrade and above 40% of humidity and the class lasts for 90 minutes, YES 90 minutes of exercise, sweat, meditation and the search of your inner self. It is always 26 hatha yoga postures, repeated twice and 2 breathing exercise at the beginning and at the end of your class. Over and over again….. and it is so refreshing doing it. You challenge yourself through appreciating breathing, which we all think that breathing is natural , that you just breath without even thinking about it, which is true, but the way you breath can change your attitude toward a matter , toward strong emotions such as anger or anxiety. It helps you manage your stress and also how to slow down on certain things and take decisions in a more settled way. The impact on your daily life, being personal or business life is extremely evident, you gain a different consciousness of the impact that you can have on others near you.
It has also helped me vividly to keep my endurance while achieving important targets, you do not let it go, actually by focusing more on your final objective, you are less willing to give up, if you fail you try again, maybe faster or slower, maybe applying a different strategy, however you try again…..
and then …an incredible impact on your body, hot yoga gives you a flexibility and a feeling of well being, that goes beyond the 90 minutes of practice……you sleep well, you feel well and your skin through the sweat starts blooming, you sweat all the toxin that you have stored inside your body and you feel clean and regenerated.
I just love to sweat it all out..