Our lives are packed with responsibilities and to-dos, so when it comes to making everyday choices and building habits, it only makes sense that wegravitate towards the simplest possible option. In short: “The simpler the behavior, the more likely someone is to do that behavior,” says BJ Fogg, Founder and Director of Stanford’s Behavior Design Lab and Behavioral Science Chair of Thrive’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Fogg has studied the impact of simplicity on behavior for years, and in this video he explains his Ability Chain Model, which includes five research-backed factors that determine a task’s simplicity, and therefore our likelihood of completing the task. The five factors are time, money, physical effort, cognitive effort, and how well the task fits into our routine. Fogg adds, “It’s the weakest link in the chain that determines how hard or easy something is.” 

Play the video above to watch Fogg apply his Ability Chain Model to Thrive Reset, and explain how easy this feature makes it for us to course correct from stress in only 60 seconds. Then, try a Thrive Reset for yourself


  • BJ Fogg

    Founder and Director of Stanford's Behavior Design Lab

    BJ Fogg, PhD, founded the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University. In addition to his research, Fogg teaches industry innovators how human behavior really works. He created the Tiny Habits Academy to help people around the world.